Category : Book Marketing

Book Marketing Design Showcase

Marketing Showcase: Promotional Designs

Check out some of the creative promotional materials created for authors by our stellar book marketing team!

The book marketing team at Tellwell delivers a variety of marketing services to authors. Among these services, is the creation of branded designs tailored to suit a wide variety of books. In this blog post, we showcase some of the team’s recent favorite designs, highlighting the details from each project.

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Book Marketing Tips & Tricks Uncategorized

Cracking the code: how to successfully market on Instagram in 2023 with the latest algorithm updates

The key to success on Instagram lies in mastering its algorithm, which governs the platform. By understanding and utilizing the algorithm effectively, you can boost your follower count and increase engagement. On the other hand, if you neglect the algorithm your account may struggle to gain visibility, regardless of the quality of your content.

Since Instagram’s algorithms evolve over time, it’s essential to keep up to date with the latest changes to ensure your account continues to grow. We’ve gained valuable insights into content creation, success strategies, and the occasional misstep. In this article, we’re sharing everything we’ve learned about the Instagram algorithm as of 2023, including tips on how to get it working in your favour.

Before diving into the details, it’s important to acknowledge a fundamental point: there is no publicly available breakdown of the Instagram algorithm. Companies that utilize algorithm-based feeds, such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, do not disclose all the factors that determine the placement of content in a feed.

Although Facebook and Instagram do not reveal their entire algorithms, they do provide occasional insights into how they work. For example, we are aware that our actions on the platform—such as comments, likes, and views—affect the content that appears in our feeds. Moreover, it is evident that the algorithms vary depending on whether we are browsing the feed, the Explore page, Reels, or Instagram Stories.

In 2023, the Instagram algorithm operates through a range of algorithms, classifiers, and processes, each serving a distinct purpose. In the platform’s early days, images were simply displayed chronologically. Nowadays, Instagram uses different algorithms for each section of the app, including the feed, Stories, Reels, and Explore, to assist users in finding relevant content.

Below, we’ll explore the criteria that Instagram takes into account for each part of the platform.


Instagram has placed a significant emphasis on Reels, making it the most crucial aspect of the platform. Neglecting Reels could prove detrimental to your account’s growth.

IGTV is no longer relevant, and horizontal or long-form videos are no longer prioritized as Instagram focuses on short-form videos. To optimize your content production process to align with the Reels algorithm, here are some steps to follow:

  • Crop all video content to 9:16.
  • Keep videos short, ideally no longer than 30 seconds.
  • Ensure your content is engaging, entertaining, and fast-paced.
  • Avoid using low-resolution or recycled content from other platforms, such as TikTok.
  • Instagram favors Reels that attract likes, comments, shares, and views. The algorithm also takes note when users save videos or add Reels to their Stories.


The operation of Instagram Stories is comparable to that of the feed. The content displayed in Stories, apart from ads, is from the accounts you already follow rather than from new ones. Interactions with stories differ slightly from those in the regular feed.

Story Interactions

  • Direct messages (DMs): Does a user view your story and respond?
  • Profile clicks: Does a user click your profile to see more of your content after watching a story?
  • Emoji reactions replace “likes”; they could be happy, upset, or a thumbs up.
  • Finish or skipped: did your user watch each Story in its entirety, or did they get bored and skip to the next one?

In addition to these signals, Instagram also considers user actions such as turning on notifications for your Stories or sharing a Story with their friends (or on their own Stories). All of these actions can influence the algorithm’s preference for your content.

Creating engaging content that encourages user interaction is key to getting the algorithm’s attention. Experiment with surveys, stickers, and Q&As to get your followers to take action on your content.

The Main Feed

The feed is still the primary area of Instagram, despite the addition of Stories and Reels. In this section, the algorithm favours content from accounts that you already follow. However, in the Explore or Reels tab, other factors come into play.

To determine the preferred content, the algorithm considers various signals, such as:

Who posted the content: Do you interact with this account frequently? Do they have a large and active following? Is their content typically high-quality?

Information about the post: Is it an image or video? How long is the video? What time of day was it posted? Are you viewing it on a mobile device or desktop? Is there a location attached to the post?

Your activity: What kind of content have you engaged with previously? What is the likelihood that you will leave a comment?

A helpful tip for 2023 is to use alt text when uploading images, much like optimizing for SEO on a website. The easiest way to SEO-optimize an image is to describe who and what is in the image, and add a little background information if you can.

The Explore tab

The Explore tab on Instagram is dedicated to showing users fresh, relevant content that aligns with their interests. This means that most of the posts you’ll see will be from accounts you don’t follow yet. Although you might come across posts from accounts you follow, it’s not as common.

According to Instagram, the most important actions that impact the Explore algorithm are likes, saves, and shares. 

Other factors that the algorithm takes into account include:

The account that posted the content: Does it have a high engagement rate, or have several of your friends followed it? Have you interacted with their content before?

Information about the post: Is the content popular among other users? Are they quickly liking, commenting, and sharing the post? When was the post uploaded?

Your activity: Have you engaged with similar content before? Do you typically save or share this type of content on your stories?

The algorithm attempts to predict your interests based on your activity. For instance, if you follow Manchester United and like their content, the algorithm may suggest other football clubs, or other sports that align with your interests. If you like the suggestions, the algorithm will continue to show you more of that content. If not, it will try to find something else that will keep you engaged.

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Book Marketing Tips & Tricks

Synopsis Writing Tips for Indie Authors

Master the art of writing a captivating novel synopsis with these top tips and impress media outlets and readers alike!

Focus on the main plot points and character arc, and don’t try to include every single detail or character in the book.


A synopsis is a concise summary of your novel, typically spanning one to four pages. It outlines the plot, main character arc, and resolution of the story. The purpose of a synopsis is to market your book to the publishing industry, including both traditional publishers and self-publishing platforms. It is a critical component of your book proposal and can significantly impact your chances of securing opportunities. A good synopsis is a must for any indie or self-published author.

If you’re writing a novel synopsis, here are some useful tips to keep in mind:

  • The three-paragraph format is a common method to follow.
  • In the first paragraph, introduce the character, setting, and conflict or inciting incident.
  • The second paragraph should cover major plot points, conflicts, and characters necessary for the conclusion to make sense.
  • The third paragraph should detail how the conflict is resolved and how the character changes from the beginning of the book.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice to make the synopsis more engaging.
  • Stick to the standard third-person point of view.
  • Remember that your synopsis is a reflection of your writing skills. Write it in a way that showcases your style rather than just summarizing the book.
  • Keep your synopsis clear and concise. Avoid being too long or rambling, or you risk losing the reader’s interest.
  • Focus on the main plot points and character arc, and don’t try to include every single detail or character in the book.
  • Don’t worry about trying to create an intriguing or mysterious hook. Simply provide the necessary information. Save the hook for your book blurb, which we’ll talk about later.
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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews Book Giveaways Book Marketing Tellwell Books Tellwell News

Team Tellwell Scores A Hat Trick

Top-ranked books by master storytellers Diane Martin, Mike Ellis, and Shelley Snow

Three Tellwell authors have recently achieved a remarkable accomplishment by reaching the top spot on various Amazon charts. Diane Martin, Mike Ellis, and Shelley Snow are the masterminds behind these hit books, each of which has achieved #1 status in its respective category.

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Book Marketing Tellwell Books Tips & Tricks

How To Market Your Book Like a Pro

10 book marketing strategies to maximize your book sales

Promoting your original book (fiction or non-fiction) begins with understanding your unique value proposition.

  • What will a reader get from your book? Is it entertainment? Specific knowledge or insight?
  • Why should they purchase your book over others on the market? Is your story funnier or more romantic? Or can your combined experience and education help a reader’s business grow while teaching them a new skill?

Why it’s Important

Understanding what sets your book apart and why it appeals to specific audiences allows you to craft effective pitches and taglines and develop your overall book marketing strategy with your audience in mind. This knowledge allows you to build a great book with a strong foundation and the opportunity to create an exciting brand.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews Book Marketing Tellwell Books

Dan Russell, former host of Sportstalk Radio is making headlines and other Tellwell author success stories

With so many talented Tellwell authors, it can be tricky to highlight the continuous successes and accomplishments of all of them! Their success stories grow in number with each passing month, and we couldn’t be more proud of all of our authors and their hard work.

It’s been another exciting month for Tellwell authors, from award wins to interviews with major media outlets to incredible reviews!

Media Mentions

Dan Russell

Pleasant Good Evening, a Memoir: My 30 Wild and Turbulent Years of Sportstalk

Pleasant Good Evening, a Memoir is the #1 new release in General Broadcasting on Amazon! It’s also . . .
#1 in Hockey (Books)
#1 in Hockey Biographies
#1 in Hockey Sport Biographies

Dan Russell, a Canadian broadcasting legend, flipped the script and was interviewed and featured by numerous media outlets this month! Get to know Dan and his debut novel on Global News, Sportsnet, The Jas Johal Show, Radio NL 610 AM, CFAX radio, Healthy Living Network, and CBC with Gloria Macarenko.

With its blend of guests, callers, opinion and entertainment, Sportstalk kept growing and growing until it had become appointment radio. And it seemed most of British Columbia was buckled in as we travelled home and away in 1994 — on game nights and off nights, weekdays and weekends, often extending well past midnight — during the Canucks’ most memorable playoff ever.

The Vancouver Sun

For more information about Dan and his work, visit his website at

Rishma Govani

Sushi and Samosas

Rishma continues to spread the word about her children’s book, Sushi & Samosas, far and wide, with media mentions and social media features. Get the full scoop on Rishma and her book on The Star, York Region, 365 Days 365 Women, @ainarasbookshelf & @RKaderdina

The book advocates diversity, tolerance and cross-cultural understanding, and believes that breaking down barriers by the spoon is an essential introductory step for kids to learn more about the world around them.

The Star

To learn more about Rishma Govani @sushiandsamosas

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Author of the Month Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews Book Marketing

Award-winning author Vali Benson on how she generated buzz, reviews, and awards!

Our December Author of the Month, Vali Benson, has been sweeping up the book awards this season. Her young-adult fiction book, Blood and Silver, won a gold medal in two categories at the San Francisco Book Festival, took first place at the New York Book Festival in the young adult category, and won the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards for best first chapter book! She has generated over 100 reader reviews, and offers up her book-promotion insights to authors on how to generate buzz for your book, reviews and awards.

Published in 2020, Vali Benson was faced with marketing her book during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moving online, she began the process of gaining visibility for her book by submitting for book reviews. What came next can be accredited to Vali’s hard work, consistency, and dedication to making Blood and Silver a book on every family’s bookshelf.

Read on to hear about her award and review success, plus her advice for new authors!

Tell us a bit about yourself & your book.

I have been a writer all my life. I can also now call myself a published author. It still seems like a dream, but it’s true. However, it would take some time to develop. My parents never encouraged my creative interests, so I studied retail in college. After I graduated from the University of Illinois, my husband and I moved west. We started and operated a couple of successful businesses. When we sold them, I decided to retire early to pursue my dream of writing. I currently live in Tucson, Arizona, with my husband, two sons, and grandchildren.    

Ever since I can remember, I have had a book in my hand. As a lifelong reader, I often thought, “I could do better than that.” So, I decided to finally do something about it. Blood and Silver is my first book. It is a young-adult historical fiction novel about a twelve-year-old girl in 1880’s Tombstone, AZ, who runs into all kinds of trouble trying to save her mother’s life. I like to think it has an entertaining combination of history and heart. The inspiration for Blood and Silver was formed from family outings. When our boys were little, we used to take them to Tombstone for the Wild West show. I was amazed when I learned that this little town of just over thirteen hundred residents had once been a boomtown of fifteen thousand. I couldn’t imagine it, but I knew there had to be a great story there.    

What were some of the more significant lessons you learned writing and publishing a book? This could be about the process itself, or about you.

The process of publishing a book is extremely personal and I’m sure it is different for everybody. For me, I was not quite prepared to hear other people’s reactions to my work, either positive or critical. Blood and Silver had only been a story in my head. When other people had access to my words and ideas, I felt that they were no longer mine. Those feelings gradually dissipate with each positive review received or award won.    

What have you been doing to market and promote your book?

Honestly, I don’t do anything earth-shattering. From day one, my project managers and consultants at Tellwell have guided me in the right direction and I have tried to follow their suggestions as close as possible. A major marketing strategy that was stressed to me was to establish a digital footprint. Simple steps include creating author profiles on selected social media platforms such as Facebook and Goodreads. An author website is not a necessity, but I would strongly recommend it. I try to regularly update my success on these forums thus consistently cultivating fresh interest for my book. The key is to generate constant buzz.     

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Book Marketing Tips & Tricks


And the winner is . . .

Every author dreams of receiving recognition and praise for their book, and with award season just around the corner, you may be thinking, How can I submit my book to awards? Well, we’ve broken it down into 5 easy steps!

Step 1: Determine which awards your book is eligible for

This seems pretty straight forward . . . most awards have categories for all genres to enter, but in some cases awards will focus on a specific genre. This is particularly seen with children’s books. That isn’t the only restrictive factor; you will also need to be sure you are looking at awards that are open to self-published authors. Fear not—there are many! In some cases you may also find national awards that focus on the author’s country of residence. Be sure to always read the terms of eligibility for the award you are submitting to.

Taking all these factors into account, here is a great resource for finding self-published book awards

QUICK TIP: Not all awards come with a monetary prize. Whether you’re looking for fame and fortune or simply some recognition, keep this in mind when considering which awards you submit to.

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Book Marketing Tips & Tricks

How to utilize your author website!

So you made the decision to create an author website – FANTASTIC! A website functions as a modern online business card, and not having one can impact credibility. You will use your website to share information and news about your book, let people know where they can buy it, and offer other ways of connecting with you by including your social media links. Ultimately, your website is the foundational building blocks of your brand! But, what should you be doing with it and how can you help get traffic (views) to the site?

Unless you are creating regular content in the form of a blog, uploading new resources, or doing something unique on your site, it can be hard to drive people to visit your author website frequently or at all. So what should you be doing?

Here are 4 key elements to follow to get the most out of your author website:

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Author of the Month Book Marketing Tellwell Books

How a cheeky, real-life pelican inspired a book about cleaning up our oceans – Tellwell’s July author of the month Renee James

Renée James is the talented Australian children’s author of Patroosh, the Cheeky Pelican. Her book was featured as one of the best-reviewed books by IndieReader in May, she has been reviewed on a number of book blogs, and has been featured on the Clarence Valley Independent!

Patroosh, the Cheeky Pelican touches on the impact of ocean pollution, such as rubbish, on wildlife – an important theme in line with “Clean Beaches Week” that took place earlier this month July 1-7.

Renée’s ‘monkey see, monkey do’ attitude has inspired her to pursue her dreams and become an author! Learn more about Renée and discover her advice for authors!

PATROOSH, THE CHEEKY PELICAN is an illustrated children’s story that hits all the marks: appealing and memorable central characters, high entertainment value, and its function as a powerful educational tool.

~Amanda Ellison for IndieReader
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