Tag Archives: tellwell books

Book Giveaways

Free book giveaways: best September reads!

Are you wondering what new books to add to your reading list? We’ve got you booked!

Two of our talented Tellwell authors are hosting giveaways this month, which means that you can add two new titles to your digital bookshelf for free. Check out these September giveaways!

Looking for your next epic and thrilling adventure?

Make sure to take check out Beginning of Arrogance: Book 1 of A Paladin’s Journey by Bryan Cole.

Paladins are nothing but trouble. Stories about paladins are everywhere, noble warriors riding magic steeds into battle against terrible foes. Champions of their gods. Heroes to everyone, except those who already have everything. Paladins are notorious for upsetting the balance of power, to the detriment of any who don’t worship their deity.

So when Krell is called to service by the capricious god of the seas and skies, ReckNor, those with wealth and power can’t help but be concerned. ReckNor hasn’t called a paladin in years, and his nature is ever-changing and erratic. The fact that Krell is also an uneducated nobody with a stubborn streak as wide as the sea turns their concerns into fear.

All of which matters less than the threat clawing its way from the waves, ready to turn the ocean red with spilled blood . . .


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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Celebrating Tellwell’s August authors success stories

We’re always proud to celebrate with our authors, and share how amazing they are!

August has been an incredible month for Tellwell authors. Keep reading to find out our most recent author celebrations, including awards, media mentions, reviews, and events!


We’re starting strong on this one. Kyrie Wang received a Bronze award from the Readers’ Choice Spring 2022 Book Awards for Enemy’s Keeper: Forbidden Ties!

Are you a fan of an adventurous and thrilling read? Grab your copy of Enemy’s Keeper here!

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Book Giveaways

Free summer book giveaways! Tellwell’s August book promotion

Looking for more books to enjoy this summer? We got you!

Three Tellwell authors are offering their books for free! They are participating in group promotions that include many other free titles. Promotions expire soon, so if one catches your eye, check it out!

Searching for your next transformational book?

This book promo includes a selection of 45 powerful books specifically designed to enhance your life.

Featuring Tellwell author Jay Ibrahim’s Raise the Bar . . .

Raise the Bar is about leaving the world of normalcy and mediocrity and raising yourself above your standard. It is about living a life of excellence and mastery in all aspects of your life, including health, wealth, relationships and spirituality. Most of us are good, but when we are told how to live great, we say, “I’m good enough.” This mindset is damaging and limiting, hence we succumb to our thoughts, not our potential. This book will take you on a thirty-day journey to take your life to extraordinary levels and become whole. Raise the bar in everything that you do and become a legacy-maker.


Searching for your next favourite story to tell around the campfire?

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Author of the Month Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Former Sportstalk Radio host Dan Russell is making headlines with his new memoir

Pleasant Good Evening, a Memoir: My 30 Wild and Turbulent Years of Sportstalk hits #1 on the Amazon bestseller rankings in multiple categories

Canadian sports fans have grown up listening to Dan Russell’s Sportstalk radio show over its three-decade run, and now they can relive some of the most iconic moments in BC sports history in Dan’s new memoir, Pleasant Good Evening, a Memoir: My 30 wild and turbulent years of Sportstalk.

Russell has been interviewed by dozens of media outlets, and his book hit #1 in the Amazon bestseller rankings in multiple categories.

What began in 1984 as a simple 50-minute filler grew into the longest-running and most-listened-to show of its kind in Canada.

What inspired you to write your memoir?  

Initially, it was something I planned for my kids to one day knew what my career was all about.  But mostly it was about making sure the legacy of the trailblazing show I hosted would be forever on the record.   

What do you hope readers will take away from your book? 

Many things, I think. 
1) Setting goals is great, both short-term and long-term.  But chasing dreams can be as unhealthy as it is healthy. 
2) The best broadcasters are the best listeners. 
3) To steal a line from former Sportstalk regular Harry Neale, “Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard.” 

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Author of the Month Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

How authors can overcome imposter syndrome

Tips to unleash your inner Goddess/God with Tellwell author of the month, Rita Kakati-Shah

Rita Kakati-Shah, the author of The Goddess of Go-Getting, holds many roles both in the business world as an entrepreneur, founder & CEO, public speaker, media contributor and, now, author. She is an award-winning gender, diversity, and inclusion career strategist, speaker and coach. She founded and runs, Uma, a company that provides strategic expertise in those areas to Fortune 500 companies.

The Goddess of Go-Getting was launched on International Woman’s Day by the Consul General of India in New York and has become the number one bestseller across three categories on Amazon.

Kakati-Shah was born and raised in London, England and is from Assam heritage. She now lives in New York City with her husband and children.

You have a unique voice, so tell the story in your voice, not in someone else’s. Once you find your voice, you’ll feel the passion and your writing will flow!

Rita Kakati-Shah, author of The Goddess of Go-Getting

Authors may battle imposter syndrome, question their ideas and talent, and struggle to let go of fears. How can authors unleash their inner Goddess/God to overcome their fears?

Love this question! First and foremost, you have to remember that as an author you have your own voice. Even if two authors were to recount the exact same story, their prose and expression would be different. You have a unique voice, so tell the story in your voice, not in someone else’s. Once you find your voice, you’ll feel the passion and your writing will flow!

 What habits or rituals have you adopted that have helped you overcome fears and unleash your inner goddess? 

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Tellwell Books

HOLIDAY BOOK ROUND-UP: Tellwell’s Favourite Family Reads for Christmas🎁🎄

Ho ho ho! Just in time for the holidays, we here at Tellwell are excited to share some of our favourite yuletide tales that are perfect for the whole family. With these festive reads, you can keep the holiday magic alive all year round!

Christmas Treasure Hunt by Leslie & Tyler Hoolaeff

A new Christmas tradition to bring the whole family together! Christmas Treasure Hunt tells a charming and delightful story of Santa preparing to deliver a game on Christmas Day.

Beyond the fun of the story, the heart of this book can help create a better, more memorable Christmas that is accessible to anyone.

Get your copy of Christmas Treasure Hunt on Amazon.

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Book Giveaways

A true crime book to keep you on the edge of your seat!

The true story of one of Canada’s most notorious serial killers, told by someone who was closest to him.

The days are getting shorter, darkness is setting in, and it’s the perfect time for a true crime story. This particular tale involves a young man, handsome and quiet. By day, he works on cars and trains as a body builder. By night, he scales apartment buildings and sneaks into women’s rooms, giving them a terrifying and tragic end to their lives. It was years before the police caught him. And it was Peter Perry who helped stop him.

The Bedroom Strangler (real name: Russell Maurice Johnson) is one of the most notorious serial killers that Canada has ever seen. He committed his crimes throughout the 1970s in London and Guelph, Ontario. Peter Perry was there for it all as one of his closest friends and fellow body builder. Forty years later, Peter recounts this true story of evil in Origen.

Lucky you: Peter is giving away ORIGEN: A True Story of Evil for free until November 17.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Celebrating Tellwell authors in the media, award-winners, bestsellers, and more!


From book launches to rave reviews to bestsellers, Tellwell authors have done it again! We’re always thrilled to celebrate author success!

Author of Immigration, Race and Survival Cecily Alexander was featured in The Caribbean Camera!

This memoir is a collection of many journals she has kept over the years. She uses journalling as a way of working through feelings and emotions and of learning from her experiences. She has had a career as a dietitian for over forty years. Her career has included academic writing, and she has one previous book publication: a book on nutrition and weight loss called “Just Eat Less: Easier said than done.” She has a master’s in business administration specializing in organizational behaviour in addition to her nutrition degree from the University of Guelph. She has taught at both the university and college levels. She lives in Southern Ontario.

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Book Giveaways Tellwell Books

October Steamy Romance book give-away!



Looking for some steamy reads that can help keep you warm during these cold fall nights?



🖤 Find the cover of Country Hearts & Willow’s Ridge
🖤 Select your choice of digital review copy
🖤 BookFunnel will send you your free download right after!

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