Tag Archives: tellwell publishing authors

Author of the Month

Discover Your Profound Interconnectedness in Life with ‘LIV: Life In Virtue’ by Neena Paul

Tellwell’s April Author of the Month

Neena Paul, author of LIV: Life In Virtue, shares insights into the inspiration behind her book and its emphasis on reconnecting with oneself. As the founder of ONE LIVE LOVE LIFE, a platform for mental health and wellness, she shares strategies for fostering connections among individuals seeking support. Additionally, she explores practical insights from her book on discovering and living according to one’s purpose, drawing from personal experiences, and a journey of self-discovery.

Embrace a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

Whatever I teach today comes more from the practical experience of life that I have had over the past three decades. Trust me, life hasn’t been easy for me. Challenges have been there and what I have learned all along is to look up and look straight into the eyes of the challenge and see what that is teaching me.

Neena Paul

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind your book, LIV: Life In Virtue, and what motivated you to write it?

LIV: Life in Virtue is my second book after the first one, called DIL: Deeply in Love. It is an enhanced effort on my part to help my readers connect with themselves. There is a world outside of us where we live in and there’s a universe inside of us to which we have to connect to. Only if we are connected to ourselves can we be in a position to connect with the outside world. This is what I have been emphasizing all along in my writings.

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Author of the Month

‘The words in this book are my battle cry’ says Author of the Month: Blaise Hunter

Through a brave story of reflection, trauma healing, and heroism, one author blazes a trail toward better communication

November 15, 2022 / by Ben Graham

This month we celebrate Blaise Hunter, an engaging and insightful author who has turned adversity into empathy and grown as a writer and leader. More than an author, Blaise is also an international speaker, podcast host, copywriter, fertility expert, and certified human rights advocate. A breaker of chains, she tackles the realities of issues women face, from low confidence and lack of identity to social injustices. In 2020 she won the Influencer Award at the Canadian Women of Inspiration Awards.

I am continually birthing my purpose. It is my vision to see others fulfill their dreams as well. – Blaise Hunter

What inspired you to write Captain Communicator?

In all honesty, the meaning behind my work is to stay alive. I wrote this book because I refuse to wither and die emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Disease, miscarriages, trauma, pain, and heartache don’t define me. By reconnecting the communication portals, I starve a rare autoimmune condition and inject healing into my inner and outer world. My book is a deliberate provocation to trigger us forward. Communication is connection. We must connect to the nemesis and let it propel us into growth. We can all relate to experiencing trauma, miscommunication, conflict, and illnesses. My vision was to take the reader along my healing journey and inspire others to heal the dis-ease in their lives by exploring various aspects of communication. Captain Communicator demonstrates the importance of being hungry and desperate to live. Benjamin Franklin is attributed with saying, “Most people die at twenty-five and don’t get buried until seventy-five.” Emotionally not dying is the key to my not dying physically. The words in this book are my battle cry. Vulnerability, humility, courage, and a relentless spirit provoke connection.

Captain Communicator is your second book. As an author, what type of growth did you experience between the first and second book?

Great question. I see exponential growth in my writing skills and confidence with this book. We all began somewhere, and I loved my raw, blind ambition with Heroine: Embrace Your Flaws & Own Your Awesome, but with experience comes wisdom. I have acquired many tools and strategies but saw the most growth with my actual execution of the book launch. Knowing what I want and advocating for the vision to be birthed indicates a blossoming. I also challenged myself to be even braver with my words and vulnerability. Heroine was a courageous step forward in discovering freedom and power. Captain Communicator highlights a woman who has come into her own and is the hero of her story. She still has giants in her life, but she co-exists with them like a true protagonist. I am proud of each stage and how they’ve shaped me into a seasoned writer. 

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Meet the Team

Tellwell publishing consultant Josephine Cataluña talks about her personal inspiration and what each author brings to the world

Authors rely on publishing consultants to advise, inform, and set expectations through the production process. Josephine Cataluña has dedicated herself to ensuring authors access the right services to achieve their goals and bring their dreams to life. In addition to her passion for literary projects, Josephine also finds inspiration from music and nature.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a peaceful person who wants to enjoy life with my favourite people. I love animals and nature, especially white sand beaches. Summer is my favourite season. I do yoga and sing a lot. I was a bit of an introvert, especially during my younger years. I just hang out and open to a couple of friends. People who have high self-confidence who get to speak or perform in front of a huge crowd amazed me, maybe because I was not as confident then as I am now. I also enjoy learning about different cultures, cuisines, and fashion styles. I am a fan of romantic-comedy novels and movies.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

What I enjoy most about my role is being able to talk with different people from different walks of life and hearing about their life experiences and inspirations for writing their books. I get to understand things from their perspective, and I gain wisdom with each encounter, because more often than not I resonate with the stories they share. And when the book project is already done, it gives me a different fulfillment knowing I have helped an author figure their way forward in terms of publishing.

What does a typical week look like for you at Tellwell?

It gets quite busy at the start of the week with all the booked appointments and inquiries (by phone or email), talking with different authors, all at a different stage on their publishing journeys. Then I spend the middle part of the week towards Friday negotiating contracts while keeping in mind their service needs and what solution I could bring to each author.

What is a question you get asked the most by authors? How do you answer it? 

The question I get asked the most is “How much does it cost to publish?” and I answer it with full transparency, making sure that they understand the value of each service they will be paying for.

Do you have an achievement that you are most proud of? What inspires you to succeed? 

I am proud of my Sales Rookie 2022 award, because it means a lot of authors trust me and my consulting. I might be a neophyte at book publishing, but I am very passionate at delivering quality service and genuine advice. I understand the value that each author brings to the world.

If you authored a book, what would it be about? 

If I were to publish a book, it would probably be about love in general and how it impacts a person’s transformation in becoming the best version of themselves.

What do you enjoy doing most outside work? 

Singing and spending quality time with the people I love.

Do you have any good books or content to recommend? 

I do have a short list of romance novels that I would love to get a hold of by the end of the year. A couple of them would be the latest releases by Nicholas Sparks.

What inspires you? 

Ambition, happiness, and doing new things. Seeing someone achieve their dreams, seeing someone’s smile, doing adventures and thinking about happy moments with my daughter, family and friends—these are what inspire me. The beauty of nature, too!

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Tellwell Books

No tricks, just treats with our spooky reads!

Halloween is just around the corner! What better way to celebrate the spooky season than to tell a spine-thrilling story around the campfire.

Make sure to check out the spooky reads from these talented Tellwell authors to find the perfect addition to your bookshelf.

Looking for your next spooky adventure?

Make sure to check out In BlackBurn Hamlet: A Ghastly Graveyard Grin, written by Paul Toffanello.

This is the story of Danny Nells, a little boy who loved Hallowe’en, until one fateful night when he tried to play a prank on his mom and dad!


Searching for your next spine-thrilling story?

Make sure to check out Unhallowed, written by James D Thorn.

For young detective Ozwald Shields, becoming a police detective was all that he had ever dreamed about from the time he was very young. Nothing could prepare him or his veteran partner, Terry White, for the journey they were about to embark on with the discovery of their first victim in a string of gruesome and horrific murders that were about to occur.

Join these detectives on their spine-chilling journey on the hunt for such a dangerous and sadistic killer. Will they catch and stop this murderer in time? Immerse yourself in the story of Unhallowed as this first time author, James D. Thorn, takes you on an intense tour throughout the neighborhoods of Boston to find out.


Looking for your next story to read by the campfire?

Make sure to check out In BlackBurn Hamlet: Mommaletti’s Ghost, by Paul Toffanello.

The story of Mommaletti’s Ghost is about a man who becomes a ghost outside of Nonno’s Pasta Shop and thinks he wants a serving of spaghetti. If he doesn’t get it, he chases little kids to their homes, and they had better make him some pasta, or else!


If you’re into a captivating tale from the past . . .

. . . take a look at Plenty to Hide by Moira Leigh MacLeod.

It’s 1948, and Mabel is happily juggling the demands of being a wife, a mother and the owner of the town’s most popular bakery. Life is full and good.There is a wedding in the offing and plans for a special homecoming, but things quickly begin to unravel.

A violent attack, a tragic accident, dirty politics and a shocking secret that forces Mabel to confront a troubling moral dilemma, combine to create a page-turning narrative that is, at times, playful and fun; at others, shocking and sad. As she did in her debut novel, The Bread Maker, and in its sequel, Or So It Seemed, MacLeod’s latest work grips readers with its surprising twists, colourful characters, powerful imagery and rich dialogue. Readers will feel as if they stepped into a bygone era, eavesdropping on the lives of ordinary people caught up in extraordinary circumstances. A beautiful story about love, loss, deception and depravity, Plenty to Hide will keep you guessing what’s next for Mabel and the unforgettable cast of characters who come to life on the pages of this rich and moving tale.


Looking for your next page-turning read?

Make sure to check out In a Raven’s Shadow, by Peter Browning.

Torment is a terrible thing; it festers and consumes and is nurtured by each ugly experience. The teacher is a product of his past—left embittered by events best forgotten. He is a loner, avoiding any social contact that might inflict pain or distress. His classroom is his refuge, an island of solace, a place where he can embrace the innocence and kindness missing in the outside world. When one of his favorite students suffers a gruesome death, he reaches a breaking point. But will a new dark path destroy him?

‘The raven gave a loud caw, flapped his wings and took to the air . . . this was an invocation impossible to ignore.’


Take a glance at the future!

Check out Seeing Through Doors by Elle Renee.

The year is 2032. The current state of the world makes the pandemic of 2020 look like it was nothing. Mankind needs the help of Gloria Stevens, the world’s most renowned psychic.

A collective of psychics appoint one man, Richard Matheson to seek her help. As he looks deep into her life in Kitchener in the 1970’s, he learns a lot more than he bargained for.


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Book Giveaways Tellwell Books

April Free Books Giveaway!

Jump into Spring with FREE BOOKS!

Grab a copy of two talented Tellwell authors’ books,

PLUS free books by other accomplished authors!

If you like …

Then you’ll enjoy … Princes and Kings by Sydney Williams

In the year 1240 AD, the land of Gwynedd Wales found themselves without a leader when their king, Llywelyn the Great, died at a ripe old age.

With the new weight of responsibility thrust upon his shoulders, Llywelyn rode home at the head of the army to find that his world had changed. Now not only was his father gone but his mother as well, and the land of Gwynedd was once again without a leader. It became clear that the best man for the job was Llywelyn himself, and he decided that there was nothing else to do but become the new ruler. He would do anything to keep his people safe, even if that meant taking on a responsibility that he felt he was too young for. He would never abandon his people for anything and let the English take everything from him.


Giveaway is open April 01 – 30, 2022

If you like …

Then you’ll enjoy … The King Who Would Be Man: Book One in ‘The King Who Would Be Man’ series by Brian A. Plank

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Author of the Month

Tellwell children’s author Rishma Govani talks diversity, equity and inclusion!

Rishma Govani is an experienced communications professional with over 20 years of experience in the media industry.  She is passionate about creating tangible change in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion. She is the author of the children’s book, Sushi & Samosas: a trip of tasty transformations, and is currently working on her second children’s book, Bright Lights & Forever Flights, a journey of loss, love and hope around the world.  She is the proud mother of her two kids Khalil, and Mila and their puppy, Hero.

Rishma has been featured by several media outlets, including Global News, Reading With Your Kids Podcast & Salaam Storytime! Her social media presence is booming and her work with popular creators and influencers has provided visibility for her book Sushi & Samosas: a trip of tasty transformations!

Read on to learn what advice she has for authors!

What inspired you to write Sushi & Samosas: A Trip of Tasty Transformations?

The genesis behind Sushi & Samosas is a little dinner club idea called TFLC which stands for Toronto Food Luck Club. The club’s mission was to try a different ethnic cuisine once a month. The club was active for 13 years trying over 100+ cuisines in the GTA with over 150 members.

The dinners started to slow down when our children were born but the essence of the book remained true for our children – try something new and your world expands!

Check out Toronto Food Luck Club.

How have your personal experiences influenced your book?

I was born a traveler, literally and of perspective – of word, of food, of music. I consider myself a world citizen and I am determined to raise our children as growing humanitarians who are open to every possibility that exists globally. 

The book sets out on a journey of changing perceptions by the mouthful. I know first hand that knowing a bit about other cultures, about your neighbours, about different cuisines allows the ease of talking to strangers and bringing the world close together. It connects and unites us by our similarities and does away with our differences.  I personally live by this ethos and my experiences have influenced the book.

What has the author’s journey been like for you? What are some successful and challenging moments?

It’s been a very long journey from start to finish. At times, it’s been exhausting especially during the recent publicity blitz I’ve been on, but I’m very proud of the book and the central message of it. It’s timeless and universal. I’ve been successful getting the word out through school readings and other media opportunities.  

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Book Giveaways Tellwell Books

January book giveaways!

Do you love free books? Us too!

For the month of January you can get your hands on two Tellwell authors’ books for free, plus a number from other talented authors!

Whether you are looking for a non-fiction business book to start your new year off with some learning, or if you are into growing your fiction detective and crime book collection, our January book giveaways have you covered!

Tellwell’s January Author of the Month, Serena Holmes, has her book The Accidental Entrepreneur available for free download until January 31st 2022! Claim your free copy.

4/5 star IndieReader Review

“THE ACCIDENTAL ENTREPRENEUR: Turning Tragedy into Triumph to Embrace my Destiny in Entrepreneurship by Serena Holmes is an introspective, hopeful self-help tome offering detailed facts and figures regarding one woman’s journey towards creating a self-sufficient, self-actualized life.

“Encouraging readers who may also be embarking upon some form of self-employed adventure, the author pays close attention to mistakes made, outlining valuable lessons learned by trial and error along the way.” – C.S. Holmes for IndieReader

Also on offer is Edward Avanessy’s crime detective story, Kiki Coto! Claim your free copy before January 31st 2022.


Richard (Kiki Coto) is destined to fight corruption, and criminal organizations whose members include politicians, judges, district attorneys, police, and others, to exonerate an innocent young lady wrongfully accused of murder. He is fighting an impossible battle. The criminals are very organized and interconnected, and conspire with each other methodically. Struggling to defeat the evil, Richard seeks help from all sources, including ayahuasca and divine intervention.

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Book Giveaways


Sci-Fi fans rejoice! Looking to add some sci-fi books to your shelf? You are in luck! Bookspry.com is offering some great sci-fi freebies. Whether you are interested in dystopian fiction or time travel, there will be a book for you!



  • Find the cover of XNOR
  • Select your choice of digital review copy
  • BookFunnel will send you your free download right away!

Don’t miss your chance to get a free copy of XNOR!

This offer ends January 15, 2022.
Connect with Anand Purohit at xnorbooks.com

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Book Giveaways Tellwell Books

October Steamy Romance book give-away!



Looking for some steamy reads that can help keep you warm during these cold fall nights?



🖤 Find the cover of Country Hearts & Willow’s Ridge
🖤 Select your choice of digital review copy
🖤 BookFunnel will send you your free download right after!

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