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Tellwell News

A Look at Tellwell Publishing’s Key Moments and Milestones of 2023

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2023, it’s wonderful to reflect on the remarkable journey we’ve undertaken together at Tellwell, both on a personal and professional level. This year has been filled with significant moments, accomplishments, and the joy of connecting with talented individuals who make our community truly exceptional. Here are just a few standout moments at Tellwell from the past year:

  • We were a finalist for the Better Business Bureau Torch Awards for Ethics for the second year in a row, this year in the Customer Service category.
  • We launched new book coaching and ghostwriting services aimed at helping writers take their manuscripts to the finish line, either with the help of a book coach or a ghostwriter.
  • We launched our premium non-fiction packages, which include ghostwriting and publishing services, as a one-stop shop for authors looking for help writing and publishing their books.
  • Tellwell acquired the Australian publishing imprint IndieMosh, providing existing IndieMosh authors with a full suite of distribution, publishing, and marketing options. IndieMosh continues to operate with its existing name in Australia as a Tellwell Publishing imprint.
  • We had several well-deserved promotions: Michelle to finance controller, Jealou to software developer team lead, and Rhea to author success manager. Congratulations, and well-deserved!

On a personal note:

  • Our content creator, Alyssa, welcomed her second child this year, and is off on maternity leave.
  • Our head of operations, Simon Page, got engaged this year.
  • We welcomed back our book marketing team lead, Katie Hennessey, and head of marketing, Monica Martinez, from their respective maternity leaves.

Congratulations all! It’s been an incredible year. We cannot wait to help more authors share their stories in 2024! Let’s go!

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Meet the Team

Meet Christian, Our Talented In-House Book-Publishing Consultant!

Meet Christian Añasco! As our talented book publishing consultant, Christian is dedicated to guiding you through every step of your publishing journey.

Take a moment to get to know Christian!

How did you first become interested in book publishing, and what led you to join Tellwell as our in-house publishing consultant?

I am a fan of dystopian and fantasy books, but the question of how exactly they were made never occurred to me. Before Tellwell, I had zero knowledge about how publishing works. I was at a stage where I tried to pinpoint unknown areas of my life that were causing me discontent and left my job of five years to breathe. After that break, I came across this opportunity, a total pivot from being in software development to publishing. I am a guy who believes in the importance of continuous learning, and it has been my goal to be proficient in something new, be it in knowledge or practical skills. Why not get a grasp of how these paperbacks are being put together? Very informative!

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

December Delights: Sparkling Success Stories of Authors Embracing the Magic of the Season

As the holiday season fills the air with joy, we’re excited to share these journeys of inspiring authors and their success stories. Come along on an enchanting ride through our December highlights, where each story sparkles brightly with the magic of success and perseverance.

With a festive spirit, we raise a toast to the incredible accomplishments of our authors this December!


Tellwell author Keith Hamilton has recently received the Silver Literary Titan Award for his book, Desperation Island.

Grab a copy of Desperation Island here!

Lisa Oatway’s book The Dinosaur Encounter won the 2023 Canadian Book Club Awards in the category of Children/Early Reader!

Grab a copy of The Dinosaur Encounter here!

The author behind the book Shelter, Rebecca Brown, earned a bronze medal in the 2023 Living Now Book Awards in the Health and Wellness Category!

Grab a copy of Shelter here!


An incredible review from IndieReader was given to Monique Britten for her book, The Day Before Tomorrow.

A challenging and emotional read in terms of subject matter, Monique Britten’s THE DAY BEFORE TOMORROW is not for the faint of heart—a beautiful narrative that addresses real-world hopes and fears unflinchingly, albeit with a potentially divisive ending.

IndieReader Book Review

A page-turner you don’t want to miss. Get your copy of The Day Before Tomorrow by Monique Britten here!

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Book Giveaways

Literary Holiday Cheer With Our December Book Giveaway

Check out our year-end book giveaway, an enlightening and entertaining non-fiction read.

Don’t miss out on our giveaway, which offers a blend of educational and engaging content for your year-end reading experience.

Non-Fiction Reads!

An insightful book on private self-care: Mallory Erler’s Vageen Queen.

Ever thought of going bare down there? Looking for a little landscaping, or are you a waxing warrior?

Whatever your pre-fur-ance, this hilarious “how to” is full of tips, tricks, what you should know ahead of time and some great treatment-room stories to get you prepped and ready for your first plume plucking!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Author of the Month

Author of the Month: Children’s Author Elizabeth Retter

Exploring the world of The Adventures of Easton the Rescue Pet: An interview with author Elizabeth Retter

Just put pencil to paper and go for it.

Elizabeth Retter

Join us in an insightful conversation with Elizabeth Retter, a recently retired teacher of twenty-five years, whose love for children’s books and dedication to animal rescue shine through her debut series, The Adventures of Easton the Rescue Pet. Discover the inspiration behind Easton’s character and how Elizabeth aims to impact young readers’ perceptions of rescue animals and adoption. Gain insights into the adoption process, challenges, and rewards from an advocate for rescue pets. Elizabeth also shares valuable tips on finding reputable rescue organizations and her childhood inspirations, and provides encouraging advice for prospective children’s authors. 

Don’t miss this engaging interview with a passionate storyteller and advocate for both literature and furry friends.

Can you tell us about the inspiration behind The Adventures of Easton the Rescue Pet? What motivated you to write a children’s book centred on a rescue pet? 

As a recently retired teacher of twenty-five years, I have always had a great love for children’s books. Easton has proven to be quite a character who gets himself into a lot of silly situations that I believe children and pet owners can relate to. I also wanted to raise awareness of the importance and need of rescuing animals of all kinds. 

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Author of the Month Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Author of the Month: Parimalasri ‘Sri’ Docktor writes and illustrates adorable children’s books about her tortoises

Sri draws inspiration from her Russian tortoise, Tank, and her Indian Star tortoise, Radha

This November we celebrate our latest Author of the Month: Parimalasri Docktor, also known as Sri. She is the author of the children’s book Where Is He? Tank the Tortoise, and has recently released Tortoise Goes to the Vet: Radha – Indian Star Tortoise, a book she both wrote and illustrated. The story quickly ascended to #1 on Amazon USA, securing its place as the Top New Release in Children’s Reptile & Amphibian Books.

Sri took the time to sit down with us and discuss her love of animals and storytelling, and more about her process as an author.

Tortoises are central to your storytelling and art. When did you begin keeping tortoises as pets, and what do you love about them?

We have had our pet tortoises since 2019. I love the way they show affection. I love how they communicate silently. I just love everything about them.

Your books are from the viewpoint of your favourite pets, the tortoises. Can you elaborate on how your pets inspire your storytelling, and why you choose them to tell your stories?

Our tortoises inspire me to write about them, since it is first-hand knowledge about them. They are intelligent and show unconditional love. I choose to tell stories through them since I learned how similar their emotions and feelings are to humans. 

Tortoise Goes to the Vet highlights the importance of family acceptance. How do you believe children can benefit from the themes of inclusivity and support portrayed in the book?

Our tortoises are like children. They can be taught to do activities as a routine, just like children. They are very playful; they are stubborn and have emotions like children. Children can relate to my stories since some of them go through similar situations.

When did you decide to become an illustrator? What was it like illustrating an entire book for the first time?

I have always been good at art since I was a small child. I could draw naturally. I decided to do my own illustrations for my second book since I had the confidence. Illustrating successfully for the first time is a humbling experience. It was a blessing and a learning curve. It sure was fun!

What children’s book authors/illustrators inspired you to create books?

I wanted my books to be unique, fun, and educational. I wanted my books from my own thought process and creativity. My tortoises inspired me to start my writing journey.

Outside of your writing, you mention enjoying meditation, creating artwork, and observing nature. How do these activities contribute to your creativity as an author, particularly when crafting stories for children?

Nature is a beautiful thing. Silence is bliss! The stillness and the expansion of silence in Nature helps me tap the essence of beauty. It invokes my creative thought process and helps craft stories for children.

To discover more about the wonderful world of Parimalasri’s tortoises, visit You can also pick up her new book on Amazon.

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Meet the Team

Meet the Team: Getting to know Simeon from Tellwell’s Development Team

Say hello to Simeon from Tellwell Publishing, our talented developer! Simeon loves simplifying processes. From improving payments to creating smooth online spaces, he’s our digital wizard. Read on to get to know Simeon a little better!

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi! I’m Simeon, but you can call me Mon. I’ve been working as a developer for almost ten years, and I really enjoy taking photos and videos to capture memories.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Tales and success stories!

Another month, another celebration of authors’ success stories!

We are putting the spotlight on our authors who continue to make waves in the literary world. From book reviews to public recognitions and awards, we applaud these remarkable achievements. We share a toast to these authors and their masterpieces as we celebrate their literary triumphs!


Tellwell author Monique Britten has recently received the Silver Litarary Titan Award for her book, The Day Before Tomorrow.

Grab a copy of The Day Before Tomorrow here!


A glowing five-star review from Reader Views was given to Dr. Mark Burns’ book,  A Light Amongst the Stars.

Dr. Mark W. Burns writes a concise biography of Amelia’s beginnings and family history with the gift. He describes the inner workings of Amelia’s service to individuals who come to her for readings and enables the reader to get inside the mind of a psychic medium to learn how she deals with clients, divine and dark energies, and messages from beyond the grave. 

Reader Views Book Review

A must-read you don’t want to miss! Get your copy of A Light Amongst the Stars by Dr. Mark Burns here!

Don Hackett, author of the book A Lesser God, also received an insightful review from IndieReader!

The patient reader will be rewarded by Don Hackett’s A LESSER GOD (Reason Else Demise), a thought-provoking and philosophical novel that is more interested in posing challenging questions than giving easy answers.

IndieReader Book Review

A fascinating narrative that will keep you turning pages. Grab your copy of A Lesser God here!

IndieReader gave another review to Keith Hamilton’s book, Desperation Island.

Keith A. Hamilton’s solidly-written DESPERATION ISLAND (21st Century Pirates in the Caribbean) is an enjoyable, if slightly simplistic, maritime thriller with plenty of drama.

IndieReader Book Review

Don’t miss out this masterpiece by Keith Hamilton. Get your copy of Desperation Island here!

Tellwell author Elaine Kozak also received an incredible review by IndieReader for her book Rhapsody in a Minor Mode.

A touching, heartfelt character study, Elaine Kozak’s RHAPSODY IN A MINOR MODE resonates with family drama, vibrant characters, and uptempo melodies.

IndieReader Book Review

A heartwarming literary gem you’ll want to get lost in. Grab your copy of  Elaine Kozak’s masterpiece here.


We are thrilled to present a retired Olympic rower and one of Tellwell’s incredible authors who recently graced the pages of the Times Colonist with his book, I Hate Bouillabaisse!

The protagonist of I Hate Bouillabaisse! is named after Vandor’s daughter, Sophie. It is about a girl whose imagination scares her before she learns how to harness it positively.

Time Colonist
with author Douglas Vandor

An entertaining must-read packed with valuable lessons for kids!
Grab your copy of I Hate Bouillabaisse! here.

Tellwell author Dewalt du Plessis was featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views for his book, Ash Moonlight.

The primary inspiration was some song lyrics I was working on years ago, and I thought to myself this could be an interesting story, and so it just went on from there.

Dewalt du Plessis Author Interview with
Reader Views

Ash Moonlight takes you to a journey that will have you flipping pages! Grab your copy here.

The author behind the book Badger and Turtle Face the Storm, Daniel McMillan, was also recently featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views.

“Badger and Turtle Face the Storm” is about a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant not only for children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents.

Daniel McMillan, Author Interview with
Reader Views

Grab your copy here!

We are honoured to witness Tellwell author Parimalasri Docktor featured in CBS News Philadelphia with her book, Tortoise Goes to the Vet.

“She makes me understand how much more beautiful the world is.”

Parimalasri Docktor Author feature in
CBS News Philadelphia

Inspired in a true story with a heartwarming message. Grab your copy of Tortoise Goes to the Vet here.

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Book Giveaways

November page-turners await!

Step into November’s adventure, where we bring you on extraordinary journeys through the pages of captivating stories. We bring you tales full of thrilling adventures, insightful narratives, tender romances, and simply a fun read!

Let us transport you to another world while stirring emotions and sparking imaginations with our November page-turners!

Your next favourite book awaits!

Enjoy a good read through the pages of André Wade’s Shoestring Dreams

Aren’t dreams meant to be pursued? Are dreams worth the pain and dedication it takes? The ups and downs of life, for your dream. Eric and his friends, Jeremy, Jacqueline, and Angelo, all have dreams they are seeking. Basketball, acting and modeling, comedy, finding who you are as a person, being free! No one dream is greater than the other, and in this first part series of three, you enter in the lives of these four students in this coming-to-age book series, Shoestring Dreams.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Discover must-read page-turner fiction!

Indulge in the compelling narratives penned by Don Hackett in A Lesser God.

As a young man, Dion Athamas was spiritually summoned to rapture then tenured god status. He had been endowed with all the benedictions to achieve sacredness: a devout flock, the power to heal and a covet for control. He also held a deep desire and ability to influence justice and universal liberty. The setting: the fictional town of Forgedmont, Mississippi, in the 1950s. Against great opposition he strived to become a new-age god; the earth was his oracle. He found faith-based conviction to be lacking in reason and truth. He chose to maintain an instinctive path to holiness. Regrettably for him and his followers, there were a great many roadblocks. He was forced to face off against the church, community, prejudice, family and scheming dreams influenced by fallacious spirits, all set forth to hamper his ascension to divinity.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Up for a thrilling read?

Embark on a suspenseful story with John MacGougan’s The Tequila Promise.

ETHAN PICKETT’S battered pickup truck is found in the valley of the Bluewater Ski Club, a four hundred foot drop, his broken and bloodied body trapped inside.
Ethan is a local hero, a retired rodeo cowboy, and self-made billionaire businessman. His death is big news. When Charlie Beach hears the news, he’s devastated. As a private investigator, he’s had experience with death, but not with the death of someone as close to him as Ethan Pickett.
On the night of the funeral, Charlie and Cedar, Ethan’s daughter, and Charlie’s best and closest friend since JK, are sharing a few beers and trading stories. At one point, Cedar makes a casual comment about the irony of her father’s accident, running his truck off a dark and deserted country road he had been driving his entire life. Charlie didn’t understand the concept of irony, but what he did understand was the bad feeling washing over him.
The OPP’s top investigators ruled it an accident, but what if they missed something? What if it wasn’t an accident? What if the accident was staged to cover up a murder? With no evidence, no suspects, and no motive, Charlie wouldn’t go hard at it, but he figured there was no harm in talking to a few people, asking some questions, see if anything popped.
Charlie would be happy if it turned out to be nothing. But, if it turned out to be something, then he’d make it his life’s mission to track down the killer, and send his ass to prison.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A fun and educational read!

Make the exploration of geography and history an enjoyable experience with Marena Woodsit’s Canada’s Kiddie Geography and History in ABC’s…

Who said geography and history can’t be fun? Marena Woodsit’s new book, Canada’s Kiddie History and Geography in ABC’s, points out various interesting facts and places in an easy-to-read style (H for history, G for geography) that will captivate children of all ages. A map and legend of the great country of Canada can help pinpoint where much of the facts take place along with fun and real life characters.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A heartwarming romance novel awaits!

Rhonda Lee will sweep you off your feet in every page of her novel, Effie.

Effie is the heartwarming story of how a young couple, killed in a pickup truck accident in the spring of 1959, fulfill their dream of getting married in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee some forty years after their deaths, by helping a young widower and father find true love a second time in life, and a new mother for four-year old Effie.

Witness the incredible power of love, the undeniable force of destiny, and the enduring spirit of those who have passed before us. Get ready to be moved, inspired, and reminded of the beauty that can be found, even in the face of tragedy.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Meet the Team

Introducing our in-house publishing consultant: Get to know Ryan Booc

Meet Ryan, a trusted book-publishing consultant at Tellwell, with one year of dedicated service to our team. He’s here to make your publishing journey a success!

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi there! I’m 34 years old and I absolutely love medieval fantasy books. I’m also a big fan of movies, anime, and manga.

How did you end up in the world of book publishing?

A friend of mine encouraged me to dip my toes into the publishing industry, and I’m genuinely grateful that I took the leap. I find great satisfaction in my work, where I assist budding authors in their initial steps of the publishing journey. I guide them through the various options at their disposal and outline how we can support them through every phase of the process.

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