Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Authors in the Media

aroundtheworldTony and RL Read were featured in the Entertainment section of the Stratford Beacon Herald this month, showcasing the release of their light-hearted travel book Around the World: Stories from afar, but close to a bar. Read the full article here.




rock3dIan Mark joined The Homestretch’s host Doug Dirks this month to talk about his experience as a rock performance photographer in the 70’s. Mark recently published a collection of his photos titled Adventures of a 70’s Rock Photographer. He was also featured on CBC News Calgary. Listen to his interview on The Homestretch here.



purpose3dIn light of Autism Awareness Month, Mirian Sansalone spoke about her memoir – Purpose High: Living With Autism, with Jessi Cruickshank on The Goods. The book shares the author’s experiences as a mother of two autistic sons. Watch the episode on CBC TV here. Sansalone also shared five things everyone should know about autism on The Caledon Enterprise. Read the article here.

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