Tag Archives: Tellwell team

Meet the Team

Meet Jennifer, Tellwell Book Publishing Consultant, Accomplished Author and Proprioceptive Writing Teacher

Author Jennifer Chapin Tellwell Consultant

Jennifer’s dedication to helping writers find and share their voices is at the heart of her work. Jennifer is also an accomplished author herself having written and published two books:) Her passion for storytelling extends into the community, particularly in schools and prisons, where she utilizes proprioceptive writing techniques to tune writers to their inner voice and write from the heart.

Jennifer Chapin brings a lot of experience and passion to her role. She starts authors on their publishing journeys with a background in sales and a deep love for storytelling. Read on to get to know Jennifer better!

Can you tell us about your background and what inspired you to become a book-publishing consultant?

I have a background in professional sales that includes the hotel business here in Canada and in New York City. Prior to beginning with Tellwell I worked for a technology company that developed software to help non-profit organizations secure foundation funding. I helped my clients fine-tune their stories to attract funders. I also worked in Granada, Spain, for a short time while researching my novel, The Poet & The Angel, which Tellwell published in 2020. It was an easy transition for me, as I am both a writer and a reader—books are an important part of my world. The message of The Poet & The Angel is to always speak up and understand the power of your voice, and never let anyone curtail you from doing so.

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Meet the Team

Behind the Pages: Meet Shaira, Tellwell’s Book Project Manager

Introducing Shaira Villamor, a skilled project manager at Tellwell. In this month’s Meet the Team, Shaira shares her behind-the-scenes insights into the book publishing journey.

Dive into Shai’s world and discover her pivotal role in the publishing process!

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a graduate of Communication Arts. I am interested in public speaking and feature writing, but that doesn’t mean I am good at them. I started reading books in an attempt to improve my speaking and writing skills. My recent favourite read is The Hunger Games Trilogy. Once in a while, I enjoy travelling with family. I learned that travelling helps me understand myself more.

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Tellwell News

A Look at Tellwell Publishing’s Key Moments and Milestones of 2023

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2023, it’s wonderful to reflect on the remarkable journey we’ve undertaken together at Tellwell, both on a personal and professional level. This year has been filled with significant moments, accomplishments, and the joy of connecting with talented individuals who make our community truly exceptional. Here are just a few standout moments at Tellwell from the past year:

  • We were a finalist for the Better Business Bureau Torch Awards for Ethics for the second year in a row, this year in the Customer Service category.
  • We launched new book coaching and ghostwriting services aimed at helping writers take their manuscripts to the finish line, either with the help of a book coach or a ghostwriter.
  • We launched our premium non-fiction packages, which include ghostwriting and publishing services, as a one-stop shop for authors looking for help writing and publishing their books.
  • Tellwell acquired the Australian publishing imprint IndieMosh, providing existing IndieMosh authors with a full suite of distribution, publishing, and marketing options. IndieMosh continues to operate with its existing name in Australia as a Tellwell Publishing imprint.
  • We had several well-deserved promotions: Michelle to finance controller, Jealou to software developer team lead, and Rhea to author success manager. Congratulations, and well-deserved!

On a personal note:

  • Our content creator, Alyssa, welcomed her second child this year, and is off on maternity leave.
  • Our head of operations, Simon Page, got engaged this year.
  • We welcomed back our book marketing team lead, Katie Hennessey, and head of marketing, Monica Martinez, from their respective maternity leaves.

Congratulations all! It’s been an incredible year. We cannot wait to help more authors share their stories in 2024! Let’s go!

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Meet the Team

Meet Christian, Our Talented In-House Book-Publishing Consultant!

Meet Christian Añasco! As our talented book publishing consultant, Christian is dedicated to guiding you through every step of your publishing journey.

Take a moment to get to know Christian!

How did you first become interested in book publishing, and what led you to join Tellwell as our in-house publishing consultant?

I am a fan of dystopian and fantasy books, but the question of how exactly they were made never occurred to me. Before Tellwell, I had zero knowledge about how publishing works. I was at a stage where I tried to pinpoint unknown areas of my life that were causing me discontent and left my job of five years to breathe. After that break, I came across this opportunity, a total pivot from being in software development to publishing. I am a guy who believes in the importance of continuous learning, and it has been my goal to be proficient in something new, be it in knowledge or practical skills. Why not get a grasp of how these paperbacks are being put together? Very informative!

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Meet the Team

Meet the Team: Getting to know Simeon from Tellwell’s Development Team

Say hello to Simeon from Tellwell Publishing, our talented developer! Simeon loves simplifying processes. From improving payments to creating smooth online spaces, he’s our digital wizard. Read on to get to know Simeon a little better!

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi! I’m Simeon, but you can call me Mon. I’ve been working as a developer for almost ten years, and I really enjoy taking photos and videos to capture memories.

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Meet the Team

Meet the Team: Introducing Charlene, your dedicated book-project manager

At Tellwell, we’re proud of the teamwork that makes book publishing happen, and at the forefront is Charlene, one of our skilled book-project managers!

Let’s explore her drive and inspirations, and how she makes books come alive. Join us to uncover the person behind the role and feel her dedication in every project.

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Charlene, but I’m used to being called by my nicknames: Yen or Charlie. And since I belong to a medical family, I hold a degree in nursing, but haven’t really practiced it.

I am both spontaneous and meticulous. I plan the small activities I need to do before starting a new day (what time to wake up, shower first or breakfast? Movie or reading?) Yet, so far I have never planned the huge things in my life (the major I took in college, my travel experiences, past jobs). Amazingly, things always turn out great!

My family and friends see me as the go-getter, but I feel otherwise. I just feel like I really do not show my full potential to people. And when I feel comfortable with something, I just stop there and make it a habit. But looking back, I think I had left my comfort zone a lot of times but never recognized it.

I am a dog lover! I am always happy to talk about the times I pet sit.

I’m a homebody, but not really. I can stay inside my box-like room for a week without complaining (as long as I have food, internet, music to listen to, movies to watch, books to read). But there are times that I crave traveling—I really want to explore places that are unfamiliar to me. Experience their culture. Taste their food. Have interesting chats with other travelers. It just feels so liberating!

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Meet the Team

Digital marketing expert Scott Friesen gives a behind-the-scenes look at Tellwell

To start, tell us a little bit about yourself and your role at Tellwell.

My name is Scott Friesen and I am big into almost all sports, as well as travelling. My current sports pursuits include padel tennis and disc golf, but I am pretty much down for any sport. I have travelled to over 50 countries in the past ten years, and have worked abroad in countries like France, Spain, Mexico, and Colombia.

I have been a digital marketer for the last eight years and am going on two years working with Tellwell. At Tellwell I manage and assist with all things digital marketing, from online advertising and automation to sales funnels and our newly launched referral program. 

Unlike some of our other Meet the Team features, your role is predominantly behind the scenes. Can you tell us what a typical day looks like for you?

The cool thing about Tellwell is that no day is typical. We are always testing and working on new projects to improve our online presence. Most days I will be reviewing our current online initiatives, analyzing the results of current campaigns and optimizing their performance. We are also constantly running new online campaigns. Operating in multiple countries and having so many different services in the self-publishing space truly gives us a large range of possibilities. I also generally spend time helping improve our automation, tracking, and analytics and helping out members of our team with the various software we use to make their jobs easier. 

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Meet the Team

Behind the scenes with Nelson Ty, our in-house book-publishing consultant

At Tellwell Publishing, we’re extremely proud of our team of experts who work tirelessly to help our authors succeed. One of these experts is our resident book-publishing consultant, Nelson Ty.

In this Meet the Team, we’ll be taking a closer look at Nelson’s role at Tellwell and learn more about the valuable contributions he makes to our team. So let’s dive in and get to know Nelson Ty a little better!

Tell us your background and how you came to work in book publishing.

I’ve mostly worked in sales all my life. I originally used to sell business and first-class airline tickets and due to the pandemic I had no choice but to switch options. Luckily book publishing is one of the better options here in Cebu to work with, so here I am 😀

What does a typical day working as a book-publishing consultant look like?

Mostly prospecting and keeping constant communication with authors.
Making sure you I always have a healthy pipeline of clients.

How do you approach building and maintaining relationships with authors?

I present them with my natural personality in a strategic way. With every author I get a chance to talk with I always approach them with a process that I’ve developed toward closing a deal.

What changes have you seen in the book-publishing industry over the past years, and how are you able to adapt to these changes?

The publishing industry experiences business seasonality. Some months of the year will be tougher because some authors aren’t really in the publishing mindset yet, and some months will be extra rewarding. You just have to keep an open mind about these things and do what you do best everyday.

Can you share any advice or tips for authors who are looking to work with a publishing consultant?

Make sure they have a proven track record as a publisher and that you trust them. Just start your book project, because it can end in only two ways. Best-case scenario you’ll be a published author, and worst-case scenario you put everything on the back burner, and all those hours, days, months, or years of effort in creating the manuscript will be gone.

How do you and your team collaborate with other departments, such as editorial and marketing, to ensure the success of a book?

Book publishing is always a team effort, and that’s why I always make it a point to explain everything in full detail and set the right expectations to make sure everything is smooth sailing. And I always go the extra mile to help my authors transition to the production stage of their book.

What’s something about your role or your team that people might be surprised to learn?

I’m a very simple guy and I like to keep complicated things plain and to the point.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work, and how do you balance your personal and professional life?

I like everything fun. I’m basically a jack of all trades when it comes to my leisure in life.

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Meet the Team

The art of book marketing: An insider’s perspective with Lesley

As an author, you may already be aware that the hard work of writing a great book is just the beginning, and promoting it effectively can be quite a real challenge.

This is where Lesley Morrison, a book-marketing consultant for Tellwell, can help you! With years of experience working with authors, Lesley knows how to develop marketing strategies that work and can assist you in standing out in a competitive market. In this meet-the-team interview, we will chat with Lesley about the art of book marketing and how you can use her expertise to promote your book.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background? How did you become interested in book-marketing consulting?

As a published author, I realized the importance of knowing how to market a book in a saturated and competitive market. Having some insider knowledge prompted me to find ways I could help others on the same literary journey and overcome the same challenges I faced.

What does a typical day in the life of a book-marketing consultant look like? Can you walk us through your daily routine?

My day always starts with emails! I like to ensure no one is left hanging for answers. Typically I prioritize tasks that will have the greatest impact for authors in getting marketing underway. I keep close communication with my authors to let them know where things are at, and to get feedback on services I am working on if necessary. I save the most creative tasking (like promotional material design) for the evening when I do my best visual work.

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Meet the Team

Bringing stories to life: A look into the creative approach of Tellwell illustrator Zar on Canvas

Welcome to the world of Zar, one of Tellwell’s gifted in-house illustrators. As one of our newest team members, Zar has quickly become a top choice among authors looking to bring their stories to life. From his unique approach to working with authors to his expert insights on what to look for when selecting an illustrator for your book, this post is your chance to get to know Zar and discover how his talents can elevate your storytelling.

Tell us about yourself.

Hi, I am Eleazar Daligdig, also known as Zar and @zaroncanvas on IG, Twitter & Facebook. I am a visual artist & illustrator, the CEO of Zar on Canvas, an art director/illustrator of Dungeon Diaries, and a former art teacher at Artissimo Arthouse.

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