Tales and success stories!

Another month, another celebration of authors’ success stories!
We are putting the spotlight on our authors who continue to make waves in the literary world. From book reviews to public recognitions and awards, we applaud these remarkable achievements. We share a toast to these authors and their masterpieces as we celebrate their literary triumphs!

Tellwell author Monique Britten has recently received the Silver Litarary Titan Award for her book, The Day Before Tomorrow.
Grab a copy of The Day Before Tomorrow here!
A glowing five-star review from Reader Views was given to Dr. Mark Burns’ book, A Light Amongst the Stars.
Dr. Mark W. Burns writes a concise biography of Amelia’s beginnings and family history with the gift. He describes the inner workings of Amelia’s service to individuals who come to her for readings and enables the reader to get inside the mind of a psychic medium to learn how she deals with clients, divine and dark energies, and messages from beyond the grave.
Reader Views Book Review
A must-read you don’t want to miss! Get your copy of A Light Amongst the Stars by Dr. Mark Burns here!

Don Hackett, author of the book A Lesser God, also received an insightful review from IndieReader!
The patient reader will be rewarded by Don Hackett’s A LESSER GOD (Reason Else Demise), a thought-provoking and philosophical novel that is more interested in posing challenging questions than giving easy answers.
IndieReader Book Review
A fascinating narrative that will keep you turning pages. Grab your copy of A Lesser God here!
IndieReader gave another review to Keith Hamilton’s book, Desperation Island.
Keith A. Hamilton’s solidly-written DESPERATION ISLAND (21st Century Pirates in the Caribbean) is an enjoyable, if slightly simplistic, maritime thriller with plenty of drama.
IndieReader Book Review
Don’t miss out this masterpiece by Keith Hamilton. Get your copy of Desperation Island here!

Tellwell author Elaine Kozak also received an incredible review by IndieReader for her book Rhapsody in a Minor Mode.
A touching, heartfelt character study, Elaine Kozak’s RHAPSODY IN A MINOR MODE resonates with family drama, vibrant characters, and uptempo melodies.
IndieReader Book Review
A heartwarming literary gem you’ll want to get lost in. Grab your copy of Elaine Kozak’s masterpiece here.

We are thrilled to present a retired Olympic rower and one of Tellwell’s incredible authors who recently graced the pages of the Times Colonist with his book, I Hate Bouillabaisse!
The protagonist of I Hate Bouillabaisse! is named after Vandor’s daughter, Sophie. It is about a girl whose imagination scares her before she learns how to harness it positively.
Time Colonist
with author Douglas Vandor
An entertaining must-read packed with valuable lessons for kids!
Grab your copy of I Hate Bouillabaisse! here.

Tellwell author Dewalt du Plessis was featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views for his book, Ash Moonlight.
The primary inspiration was some song lyrics I was working on years ago, and I thought to myself this could be an interesting story, and so it just went on from there.
Dewalt du Plessis Author Interview with
Reader Views
Ash Moonlight takes you to a journey that will have you flipping pages! Grab your copy here.

The author behind the book Badger and Turtle Face the Storm, Daniel McMillan, was also recently featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views.
“Badger and Turtle Face the Storm” is about a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant not only for children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents.
Daniel McMillan, Author Interview with
Reader Views
Grab your copy here!

We are honoured to witness Tellwell author Parimalasri Docktor featured in CBS News Philadelphia with her book, Tortoise Goes to the Vet.
“She makes me understand how much more beautiful the world is.”
Parimalasri Docktor Author feature in
CBS News Philadelphia
Inspired in a true story with a heartwarming message. Grab your copy of Tortoise Goes to the Vet here.