Tag Archives: Tellwell author success stories

Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

June Author Highlights

This month we’re showcasing Tellwell authors who have shared their unique journeys, each serving as an inspiration in the literary world!


Peter Gribble, the Tellwell author behind the The City of the Magicians series, was recently featured in Reader Views!

Writing a story can be a strange experience and has parallels with what happens in reality. There’s an occasional sense of being lost but that’s good. Some ideas come fully formed from some underlayer of the creative process. Many times, I just won’t know until it writes itself.

-Peter Gribble
in an exclusive interview with Reader Views

BL Ryan, the author of the book Greystone, also graced the pages of Reader Views Kids!

The work is writing the scenes using the best possible language and connecting the scenes to form a coherent story, usually with many plotlines because I find the back stories of the characters so interesting. 

-BL Ryan
in an exclusive interview with Reader Views Kids
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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

May’s Literary Successes

Welcome to our monthly spotlight on the success stories of our Tellwell authors, highlighting their journeys to acclaim through book awards and five-star reviews!


Tellwell author Terry Eissfeldt and his book, Anna Wells and the Mystery of the Dusty Duchess, received a 2024 International Impact Book Award in the Mystery and Detective Stories for Young Adults category!

Spinning On A Barstool by Glenda Toews has been recognized with a Silver Award in the category of Overall Grand Prize Non-Fiction by Reader Views!

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

April’s Literary Success Stories

We’re putting the spotlight on Tellwell authors who shared their unique literary journeys, each emerging as a beacon of inspiration in the literary world!


Joanne Kimm, Tellwell author of the book The Enforcer’s Tale, received the 2024 International Impact Book Awards under the Young Adult Fiction category!

Mamluks of Thunder Island, written by Tellwell author Aly Brisha, received the Silver Award in the Literary Titan Book Awards.


Tellwell author Hunter Snow was recently featured on Find Your Sounds and Tinnitist with her novel Rock Crush and Roll.

This book, at its core, is about navigating relationships. Friends, families, partners, colleagues, and what truly makes you happy at the end of the day.

Hunter Snow, in an interview with Find Your Sounds and Tinnitis

A former North Vancouver RCMP officer, Tellwell author Russ Grabb, shares his story on Global News about his book Traces Of A Boy.

Traces of a Boy is creative nonfiction at its best. True and accurate down to the last detail, it pulsates like a stylized novel. Above all else, it’s the out-loud narration diary of an injured child in search of untroubled peace. As a story that exposes the barbarity of opposite-sex incest, bone-breaking violence, and the depraved indifference of mainstream society, it is by design a hair-raiser with an intensity reminiscent of A Clockwork Orange.


Tellwell author Millian Lloyd Jones was in Florabel, Eden, New South Wales, to launch his book Milli and Max

A unique alphabet learning book and a treasury of fun facts about each sea creature that will delight children and their parents alike. Grab your copy of The Adventures of Milli and Max here.

Growing Pains author Sarah Taylor-Malo recently had her book signing at Indigo Kingston, Ontario.

It’s a story about the ups and downs of: life, love, anxiety, expectations, and self-acceptance. Grab your copy of Growing Pains here.

Author of the book The Heights, Shaelyn Gaskin, was in Mississauga, Ontario, for her book signing.

Delving into the complications of grief, this story examines the hardships of losing a loved one while showcasing the different ways grief presents itself. Ada’s journey, while difficult, seeks to provide the reader with a sense of hope that even the toughest obstacles in life can be overcome with the love and support of those around you. Grab your copy of The Heights here.


Susanne Clark’s book Dishing Love Daily received a glowing five-star review from Reader Views!

I love how the author shares mindful words and concepts in the beginning of the book, how food played a role in pivotal moments in her life. She also describes the book’s origin story. You’ll find space to write down your ideas and inspiration, and extra tips for that special flourish. The tempting images will motivate you to try some of the recipes right away.

-Reader Views Book Review

It’s a five-star review from Literary Titan for Tellwell Author Joanne Kim, for her book The Enforcer’s Tale!

Joanne Kimm’s The Enforcer’s Tale stands out for its captivating plot, richly drawn characters, and thoughtful use of language. It is an excellent choice for those who appreciate novels that blend suspenseful narratives with complex characters and themes, offering a rewarding literary journey.

-Literary Titan Book Review

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

March Success Stories from Tellwell Authors

We’re setting sail on a literary adventure filled with inspiration!

Let’s raise a toast to celebrate our Tellwell authors making waves in the literary world with their inspiring narratives who have turned their dreams into reality!


Elaine Alec, named BC’s Woman of the Year in 2023, recently shared an update on her upcoming literary endeavours with Tellwell. In her post, she reflected on her journey as an author and discussed the anticipation surrounding her forthcoming publication.

Elaine sold 16,000 copies of her first book, Calling My Spirit Back.

Today I had my first call with my editor at @tellwellpublishing for my second book, Coming of Age.

I am self-published. And I’ve really considered the traditional publishing route, but I’m not just a writer, I’m an entrepreneur. Do I want to make $1 per book in royalties, or $5-$7/book?

This book has been sitting with me for two winters and I’m happy to finally take this next step . . . Editing and rewriting isn’t always the most exciting but it’s really rewarding knowing that it brings you one step closer to getting your book out there.

-Elaine Alec in her Instagram Post

Tellwell author Karen Harmon recently appeared on CFJC MIDDAY! In an exclusive interview, Karen delves into the details of her latest book, her fourth: Class of ’78.

Karen has published all four of her books with Tellwell: Looking for Normal, Where Is My Happy Ending?, Fat and Beautiful, and Class of ’78.


Glenda Toews earned a Silver Award in Non-Fiction in the Reader Views Literary Awards with her book, Spinning on a Barstool.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

From Manuscript to Milestones: February’s Tellwell Success Stories 2024

Let’s embark on a literary journey that inspires and motivates, our Tellwell author continues to create waves in the literary world.

Join us in celebrating the milestones achieved by our authors as they generously share their stories of success and the remarkable paths they’ve traveled.


Award-winning author Arwinder Kaur graciously shared with us about another chapter in her literary journey as the iconic billboards of New York City’s Times Square showcases her with her award-winning book, “Living while Human,” adding to the recognition of her exceptional storytelling.

Author of the book Rhapsody in a Minor Mode, Elaine Kozak takes us on a journey sharing her personal story and delving into the fascinating process of bringing her book to life in an exclusive interview with Reader Views!

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

New Chapter, More Success Stories!

Let’s kick off 2024 with some incredible literary success stories!

We’re shining the spotlight on our remarkable Tellwell authors who are rocking the literary scene. Whether it’s top-notch book reviews, exciting book events, public recognition, or book awards, our authors are out there creating more inspiring stories with every win!


We are absolutely thrilled to share that Joseph Camel has graced the grand billboards of the iconic NYC Times Square, featuring his book Little Joe in The Big City.

Joseph’s book takes kids to an adventure to New York City, learning about the history of different landmarks. It gives kids an idea of what NYC is about, and how you can meet some really great people and new friends along the way.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Tales and success stories!

Another month, another celebration of authors’ success stories!

We are putting the spotlight on our authors who continue to make waves in the literary world. From book reviews to public recognitions and awards, we applaud these remarkable achievements. We share a toast to these authors and their masterpieces as we celebrate their literary triumphs!


Tellwell author Monique Britten has recently received the Silver Litarary Titan Award for her book, The Day Before Tomorrow.

Grab a copy of The Day Before Tomorrow here!


A glowing five-star review from Reader Views was given to Dr. Mark Burns’ book,  A Light Amongst the Stars.

Dr. Mark W. Burns writes a concise biography of Amelia’s beginnings and family history with the gift. He describes the inner workings of Amelia’s service to individuals who come to her for readings and enables the reader to get inside the mind of a psychic medium to learn how she deals with clients, divine and dark energies, and messages from beyond the grave. 

Reader Views Book Review

A must-read you don’t want to miss! Get your copy of A Light Amongst the Stars by Dr. Mark Burns here!

Don Hackett, author of the book A Lesser God, also received an insightful review from IndieReader!

The patient reader will be rewarded by Don Hackett’s A LESSER GOD (Reason Else Demise), a thought-provoking and philosophical novel that is more interested in posing challenging questions than giving easy answers.

IndieReader Book Review

A fascinating narrative that will keep you turning pages. Grab your copy of A Lesser God here!

IndieReader gave another review to Keith Hamilton’s book, Desperation Island.

Keith A. Hamilton’s solidly-written DESPERATION ISLAND (21st Century Pirates in the Caribbean) is an enjoyable, if slightly simplistic, maritime thriller with plenty of drama.

IndieReader Book Review

Don’t miss out this masterpiece by Keith Hamilton. Get your copy of Desperation Island here!

Tellwell author Elaine Kozak also received an incredible review by IndieReader for her book Rhapsody in a Minor Mode.

A touching, heartfelt character study, Elaine Kozak’s RHAPSODY IN A MINOR MODE resonates with family drama, vibrant characters, and uptempo melodies.

IndieReader Book Review

A heartwarming literary gem you’ll want to get lost in. Grab your copy of  Elaine Kozak’s masterpiece here.


We are thrilled to present a retired Olympic rower and one of Tellwell’s incredible authors who recently graced the pages of the Times Colonist with his book, I Hate Bouillabaisse!

The protagonist of I Hate Bouillabaisse! is named after Vandor’s daughter, Sophie. It is about a girl whose imagination scares her before she learns how to harness it positively.

Time Colonist
with author Douglas Vandor

An entertaining must-read packed with valuable lessons for kids!
Grab your copy of I Hate Bouillabaisse! here.

Tellwell author Dewalt du Plessis was featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views for his book, Ash Moonlight.

The primary inspiration was some song lyrics I was working on years ago, and I thought to myself this could be an interesting story, and so it just went on from there.

Dewalt du Plessis Author Interview with
Reader Views

Ash Moonlight takes you to a journey that will have you flipping pages! Grab your copy here.

The author behind the book Badger and Turtle Face the Storm, Daniel McMillan, was also recently featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views.

“Badger and Turtle Face the Storm” is about a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant not only for children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents.

Daniel McMillan, Author Interview with
Reader Views

Grab your copy here!

We are honoured to witness Tellwell author Parimalasri Docktor featured in CBS News Philadelphia with her book, Tortoise Goes to the Vet.

“She makes me understand how much more beautiful the world is.”

Parimalasri Docktor Author feature in
CBS News Philadelphia

Inspired in a true story with a heartwarming message. Grab your copy of Tortoise Goes to the Vet here.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

July author celebrations: Embracing another month of remarkable writers!

Welcome to yet another month of celebration as we honour talented Tellwell authors! Let’s come together to celebrate their remarkable achievements and delve into the magic of their literary works.


Welcome to the world of Mystical Force: Shadows and Darkness and meet talented Tellwell author Craig Weidhuner, whose remarkable work has recently been featured in Literary Titan. Prepare to be captivated by the fifth volume in a series filled with magical beings and extraordinary powers, as you embark on an exciting adventure through this fantastical world.

Grab a copy of Mystical Force: Shadows and Darkness here!

Let’s celebrate another achievement, this time from Tellwell author Arwinder Kaur. Her book, Living While Human, has recently received the Silver Winner title at the Nautilus Book Awards!

Don’t forget to grab your copy here, and find out for yourself why Living While Human is one of the best in its genre.

We’re proud to share that Indigo Johnson’s book, The Kindness Quilt, received an honourable mention in the Picture Books 6 & Older category at the 2023 Purple Dragonfly Awards. Check out the official winners and mention list here!

Don’t missed out on getting a copy of The Kindness Quilt. It’s available on Amazon!

A huge shoutout to author Krysten Guilbault! Her book, Rainbow of Glowing Hearts: The Tale of the Healing Tree, has been recently honoured with the 2023 Golden Wizard Book Prize.

Rainbow of Glowing Hearts is a wonderful, mindful read that will give children the same rejuvenated feeling and reset as meditation.

Book review by Louise Jane, CEO THE GOLDEN WIZARD BOOK PRIZE

Grab your copy of Rainbow of Glowing Hearts on Amazon.


Author/coach Tim Burris was recently featured by IndieReader and received a glowing 5-star review for his book, Signed: Ironwill Football’s Recruiting Guide for Canadian High School Football Players.

A clear, concise, and well-organized book offering expert guidance, Signed by Coach Tim Burris should be on the reading list for any young Canadian student who wishes to continue playing football after high school.

IndieReader Book Review

You can purchase this interesting read by Coach Tim Burris here!

Check out this glowing review of Kelly Lang’s book, Who’s at the Door? Who’s at the Door? in KidlioMag!

This book is a great way to encourage conversation with children at home or even in a classroom. This book will help to spark wonderful imagination and learning through repetition and colors.

Kidliomag Book Review

Don’t missed out in getting your own copy of Who’s at the Door? Who’s at the Door? here!


Author Zara Merzaei was recently featured in KidlioMag for her amazing book, ZeeZee the Bee: A Tale of a Magical Friendship. Learn more about Zara and her book here!

ZeeZee the Bee is an empowering tale of friendship that empowers children to love themselves and encourages them to be proud of their uniqueness and other physical differences.

Kidliomag Book Review

Join ZeeZee the Bee and her friends in an exciting adventure. Click here to get a copy of your own!


Lisa Bournelis, the author of Louie and the Dictator, recently had her first school author visit, and it was a heartwarming success! She shared some photos on Instagram from her fun book event.

To all my fellow #author friends and #writingcommunity who published during the pandemic and had nowhere to go, how awesome is it to FINALLY meet your readers?! I could do this all day! Grateful to L’s school and the wonderful librarian and teachers for having me. Also to the kids for their awesome engagement and questions. I actually feel like a bonafide author now!

Lisa Bournelis (@makeoneshift)

Louie and the Dictator is available on Amazon!

Ginette Valiquette, the author of Eli Finds His Zen, recently had a delightful story time reading at the Bruce Mines and Plummer Additional Public Union Library with Central Algoma CAPC Early ON Child & Family Centre. Check out this adorable photo from her Instagram!

Join the joy of story time with Eli Finds His Zen and get your copy now on Amazon!

Sharon Bruce, the talented author of Shoebox Baby recently hosted a successful book signing event at the park and even made it into the local paper.

Explore the captivating journey of Sue and her family in Shoebox Baby, a creative non-fiction story filled with joy, sorrow, laughter, and courage. Grab your copy now on Amazon!

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Celebrating literary successes!

We’re putting the spotlight to these remarkable wordsmiths!

With book reviews, public recognitions, and awards, it’s another month of celebration, admiration, and inspiration where we applaud the authors who have shared their literary journeys with us.


Tellwell author Craig Weidhunner has recently received the Literary Titan Award for his book: Mystical Force: Volume 5 Shadows and Darkness.

This book promises to be an engaging read, ideal for fans of riveting adventure, with themes of found family and a hint of enigma.

Literary Titan

Grab a copy of Mystical Force: Volume 5 Shadows and Darkness here!


A glowing five-star review from Reader Views was given to Sharon Bruce’s book, Shoebox Baby.

Overall, Sharon Bruce’s Shoebox Baby was an enjoyable read. For readers who love historical fiction focusing on familial relationships, this one will scratch the itch. Moreover, the focus on building strength and overcoming obstacles is wonderfully illustrated. Five stars!

Reader Views Book Review

A heartwarming book based on true story. Get your copy of Shoebox Baby by Sharon Bruce here!

It’s another five star review for Barb Locket! Easy Baking in Barb’s Kitchen also received an incredible review by Reader Views.

The recipes are easy and healthy, and I assure you they will be loved by all who taste them. I would highly recommend the book to anyone out there who loves to bake.

Reader Views Book Review

Have fun baking with Barb Lockert. Grab your copy of Easy Baking in Barb’s Kitchen here!

Readers’ Favorite gave another five-star review to David Giffen’s book Redemptive Trauma.

This is a taste of what readers will get when experiencing Giffen’s writing. Redemptive Trauma is a journey first written from the perspective of the author as a man, who then later gives us this complete visual understanding of what his childhood years were like as he later grew into the man he became.

Reader’s Favorite Book Review

Don’t miss out this masterpiece by David Giffen. Get your copy of Redemptive Trauma here!

Lara Knitter received an incredible review by IndieReader for her book The Dog Who Walks Himself.

The Dog Who Walks Himself is an allegorical tale for adults who have been inspired by older mentors and a beautiful book for children and dog lovers that can also be used as a means of addressing loss.

IndieReader Book Review

A heartwarming tale you would want to get lost into. Grab your copy of The Dog Who Walks Himself here.


We are thrilled to present remarkable Filipino-Canadian Tellwell author Wendy Archard, who recently graced the pages of The Philippine Reporter with her book Just Breathe.

My hope is that my book resonates with little ones and their parents/families, helping them through a difficult time by reading a relatable story.

Wendy Archard, Author Interview with
The Philippine Reporter

A simple and beautiful rhyming story using illustrations and colours to help convey different emotions. Grab your copy of Just Breathe here.

Tellwell Author David Giffen graces the pages of Literary Titan with his book Redemtive Trauma.

Ultimately, Redemptive Trauma is about reconciling hope, and calling home prodigals of all kinds.

David Giffen Author Interview with
Literary Titan

Redemptive Trauma shares a story of learning the deep value of empathy, while tackling mental health and the associated stigma. Grab your copy here.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

April’s literary stars: Celebrating author success stories!

New month, more moments to celebrate! We’re shining the spotlight on authors who have reached new heights in their careers. From book events to public recognition and earning top reviews with their incredible books, we’ll be celebrating their journey and sharing their insights and inspiration. So grab a cup of coffee and join us as we toast the hardworking and talented authors out there!


To kickstart the exciting events, Tellwell author Marielle de Vassoigne recently had her book launch for her book Choosing Love Over Pride.

It’s a rollercoaster of emotions! Grab your copy of Choosing Love Over Pride here.

Unleash your imagination at another book launch with Barry Fellinger with his book The Not So True Adventures of Brandon, Josh, and Adam.

A hilarious and occasionally serious story of past, present, and future antics, based on some of the three cousins’ escapades in real life! Sounds like a fun read, doesn’t it? Wait no more and grab your copy of The Not So True Adventures of Brandon, Josh, and Adam here.

Step into the pages of another new release as Tellwell author Diane Martin launches her book When Time Stands Still.

A wonderful book full of mystery and adventure you don’t want to miss! Grab your copy of When Time Stands Still here.

Here’s another book to get lost in, as Mick Burke launches his page-turner, The Blue Mask.

Get ready to experience a range of emotions with this unforgettable read. Grab your copy of The Blue Mask here.


To start the top reviewed books, Tellwell author Colleen Millsteed received a glowing five-star review from Reader Views for her book Battle Angel.

This book should be shared with all the women in your life. So often, women feel alone—wallowing in self-loathing, heartbreak, and feeling defeated. These poems create a sense of solidarity. What could be better than a collection of poems to ignite your soul and fill you with hope? This book may be what you need to get started. Read this five-star-worthy book and prepare to be inspired.

Reader Views Book Review

Find the inspiration and power you need from the poetry written in every page of this book. Grab your copy of Battle Angel here.

Jayda Addleston’s masterpiece, Unspoken Emotions, also earned a five-star review from Reader Views Book Review!

The poet is honest and genuine as she explores various incidences in her life, the result being a personable gala of 5-star poetry collections that are pushed on by the essence of hope and healing.

Reader Views Book Review

Get lost in this must-read poetry! Grab your copy of Unspoken Emotions here.

Dr. Sarah Zadek, the author of It Takes Two… And A Uterus, also earned an outstanding review from Reader Views Book Review!

A holistic approach to answering a wider range of questions than an OB or other targeted specialist may have.

Reader Views Book Review

Understand the science behind fertility with Sarah Zadek. Grab your copy of It Takes Two… And a Uterus: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Enhancing Your Fertility here.

Another glowing review from Reader’s Favorite for Indigo Johnson for her book, The Kindness Quilt.

Indigo Johnson writes this children’s book with a poignant simplicity. She captures a whimsical quality throughout the story with colorful illustrations. 

Reader’s Favorite Book Review

It’s a heartwarming and adventurous read will surely enjoy! Grab your copy of The Kindness Quilt here.


Dennis and Jenny D’Alessandro, authors of the book Chantry Island, have graced the pages of The Hamilton Spectator!

Dennis and Jenny describe it as an adult novel, mature in its content and style, meaning that “Chantry Island” deals frankly with men-women issues, sexuality and the pressures of life, morality and larger social and even political dynamics.

The Hamilton Spectator

This book will keep you on the edge of your seat with every page! Grab your copy of Chantry Island here.

From humble beginnings to making headlines, Yvonne Van Lankveld was recently featured on PelhamToday.ca with her remarkable book The Part Street Secrets.

The central themes of Van Lankveld’s novels deal mostly with real-life experiences like betrayal, reconciling relationships after they end, finding a new purpose in a life that’s somehow been messed up, and the need for human connection.


Get lost in this read and uncover the mystery of The Park Street Secrets! Grab your copy here.

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