Tag Archives: book publishing

Meet the Team

Meet Jennifer, Tellwell Book Publishing Consultant, Accomplished Author and Proprioceptive Writing Teacher

Author Jennifer Chapin Tellwell Consultant

Jennifer’s dedication to helping writers find and share their voices is at the heart of her work. Jennifer is also an accomplished author herself having written and published two books:) Her passion for storytelling extends into the community, particularly in schools and prisons, where she utilizes proprioceptive writing techniques to tune writers to their inner voice and write from the heart.

Jennifer Chapin brings a lot of experience and passion to her role. She starts authors on their publishing journeys with a background in sales and a deep love for storytelling. Read on to get to know Jennifer better!

Can you tell us about your background and what inspired you to become a book-publishing consultant?

I have a background in professional sales that includes the hotel business here in Canada and in New York City. Prior to beginning with Tellwell I worked for a technology company that developed software to help non-profit organizations secure foundation funding. I helped my clients fine-tune their stories to attract funders. I also worked in Granada, Spain, for a short time while researching my novel, The Poet & The Angel, which Tellwell published in 2020. It was an easy transition for me, as I am both a writer and a reader—books are an important part of my world. The message of The Poet & The Angel is to always speak up and understand the power of your voice, and never let anyone curtail you from doing so.

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Meet the Team

Meet Francis, our Book Publishing Consultant

In this Meet the Team feature, we’re proud to introduce you to Francis Lu, one of our talented book-publishing consultants.

Francis plays an important role in connecting with authors who are interested in sharing their stories with the world. Read through to learn more about Francis and his role at Tellwell!

What does a typical day look like for you as a book-publishing consultant?

A typical day of a publishing consultant can be summed up in three words: Many. Phone. Calls. This is because a publishing consultant would typically aim to have as much opportunity as possible to speak with authors, learn about what their goals are, and provide guidance and suggestions to help authors achieve their dream of publishing their book in a way that is easy, simple and fun:)

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Tellwell News

Celebrating Black Authors for Black History Month 2024!

It’s Black History Month, and we’re diving into a celebration mode! 🎉

Join us in honoring these Tellwell authors who have breathed life into stories to be read, cherished and shared.

Monica Buchanan

Monica Buchanan, author of the book Outsider has a PhD in psychology, as well as a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies. She continues to be enthusiastic and committed to development of strength-based community resources for adults and youths from marginalized and under-served communities, thus she remains an active volunteer.

The book Outsider is for anyone who grew up in a toxic, abusive, and unhealthy home environment where they felt like they did not belong within the family unit. It is also a book about making changes, forgiveness, and letting go.

André Wade

André Wade has always been a big dreamer. Humble beginnings surrounded with love, advice, and instruction—the customer service he was used to growing up. The information gathered and the stories shared will be found in André’s newest book: André’s Customer Service Soapbox: And the Work-Life Balance We Need, with guide and inspiration on what customer service can be when we put our best foot forward, and the aftermath of when we don’t. André Wade penned the books Shoestring Dreams and André’s Customer Service Soapbox.

No one dream is greater than the other, and in this first part series of three, you enter in the lives of these four students in this coming-to-age book series, Shoestring Dreams. André’s Customer Service Soapbox provides the readers with a different perspective on what customer service is, and how it’s applied to our work and personal life.

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Author of the Month Tellwell Books

Chelee Cromwell: Pioneering Sci-Fi Romance With Heart and Vision

From Nova Scotia to the World Stage, Explore the Inspirations and Dreams Behind NEWBIA, the Debut Novel That’s Captivated Readers Worldwide.

Life is meant to be explored and enjoyed while loving each other, showing and giving respect, acceptance, and understanding while embracing the many gifts and talents placed upon each of us. – Chelee Cromwell

Chelee Cromwell, an author from Nova Scotia, has made waves with her unique blend of science fiction and romance. Chelee is recognized as the first Black woman in Nova Scotia to publish a combination science fiction, fantasy, and romance series. Born and raised in Lake Loon and Weymouth Falls, her roots deeply influence her storytelling.

Her debut novel, NEWBIA, gained international attention, resonating with readers from countries across the globe, including Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Bahamas. Chelee’s inspiration for NEWBIA stemmed from a dream that came to her night after night, and it followed a coherent storyline.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

From Manuscript to Milestones: February’s Tellwell Success Stories 2024

Let’s embark on a literary journey that inspires and motivates, our Tellwell author continues to create waves in the literary world.

Join us in celebrating the milestones achieved by our authors as they generously share their stories of success and the remarkable paths they’ve traveled.


Award-winning author Arwinder Kaur graciously shared with us about another chapter in her literary journey as the iconic billboards of New York City’s Times Square showcases her with her award-winning book, “Living while Human,” adding to the recognition of her exceptional storytelling.

Author of the book Rhapsody in a Minor Mode, Elaine Kozak takes us on a journey sharing her personal story and delving into the fascinating process of bringing her book to life in an exclusive interview with Reader Views!

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Meet the Team

Behind the Pages: Meet Shaira, Tellwell’s Book Project Manager

Introducing Shaira Villamor, a skilled project manager at Tellwell. In this month’s Meet the Team, Shaira shares her behind-the-scenes insights into the book publishing journey.

Dive into Shai’s world and discover her pivotal role in the publishing process!

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a graduate of Communication Arts. I am interested in public speaking and feature writing, but that doesn’t mean I am good at them. I started reading books in an attempt to improve my speaking and writing skills. My recent favourite read is The Hunger Games Trilogy. Once in a while, I enjoy travelling with family. I learned that travelling helps me understand myself more.

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Book Giveaways

Tellwell’s February Book Giveaways

Adding an extra sprinkle of sweetness to your February with Tellwell’s book giveaways!

Packed with great stories and exciting adventures, let our literary fest be your go-to adventure this month.

Your next favourite transformational read!

Jose and Lourdes Amoloria’s book, One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World, will make you rethink how adversity, grief, and loss can cause so much pain, and yet these life challenges can facilitate creativity, and be transformed into gifts and blessings for a meaningful and productive existence.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose’s life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Up for an adventurous read?

Carleen Dehaney takes us to a fun adventure with her book, Toothbrush Animal Hunt!

Embark on a delightful adventure with Toothbrush Animal Hunt, the perfect children’s book to encourage daily toothbrushing habits in a playful and enjoyable way.

From a clapping sea lion at the beach to a cheeky squirrel in the forest, children will be fascinated as they learn about toothbrushing through the actions and antics of these charming creatures. And don’t forget to spot the toothbrushes hidden throughout the pages, making this hunt, a delightful game of discovery.

Say goodbye to toothbrushing struggles and let the adventure begin!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Meet the Team

Meet Christian, Our Talented In-House Book-Publishing Consultant!

Meet Christian Añasco! As our talented book publishing consultant, Christian is dedicated to guiding you through every step of your publishing journey.

Take a moment to get to know Christian!

How did you first become interested in book publishing, and what led you to join Tellwell as our in-house publishing consultant?

I am a fan of dystopian and fantasy books, but the question of how exactly they were made never occurred to me. Before Tellwell, I had zero knowledge about how publishing works. I was at a stage where I tried to pinpoint unknown areas of my life that were causing me discontent and left my job of five years to breathe. After that break, I came across this opportunity, a total pivot from being in software development to publishing. I am a guy who believes in the importance of continuous learning, and it has been my goal to be proficient in something new, be it in knowledge or practical skills. Why not get a grasp of how these paperbacks are being put together? Very informative!

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