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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

October author success stories

We have an extensive assortment of author successes to celebrate this October. Join us as we round up 5-star reviews, new chart-toppers, and award-winners!


Parimalasri Docktor reached #1 on the Hot New Release charts in Children’s Reptile and Amphibian Books with Tortoise Goes to the Vet. In addition to soaring on the charts, Parimalasri Docktor and her book have been featured on CBS News!

Daniel McMillan was recently featured on the Inside Scoop Live! podcast discussing his book Badger and Turtle Face the Storm. His book follows a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant for not only children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents.

Brother Bo recently scored a #1 hit on two charts with his book on sacred masculinity, The Father’s Seeds. Learn more about this chart-topper.

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Book Giveaways

Fall into these October stories!

There’s no better way to embrace the changing season than by curling up with a good book. It’s a season tailor-made for book lovers, providing the perfect excuse to snuggle up with your favourite read and get lost in the pages of a captivating story.

Whether you’re a fan of spine-tingling thrillers, heartwarming romances, or thought-provoking literary stories, we understand the joy that comes from losing yourself in a well-written tale. And as we celebrate the season, we’re thrilled to offer you a collection of October book giveaways that are sure to be the literary treats you’ve been waiting for!

Ready for an exciting and adventurous tale?

An imaginative story of adventure and fun with Summerton Thompson Connor ‘s The Adventures of Captain Jimmy Jams.

A bedtime storybook for parents to read to their children, depicting the excitement for possible adventures in dreams and the sensation of letting thoughts wander as you drift off to sleep. Meant to invoke soft imagery and imaginative thoughts of adventure and fun, it’s a relaxing read for pleasant sleep.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Up for another must-read sci-fi book?

Indulge in futuristic fantasies with Nicholas Dufresnes’s A Planet to Nowhere.

Adrian thought his time as a human experiment was over, that he was done suffering and had finally died. Never did he expect to wake up somewhere new, somewhere alien and far different than he could’ve ever imagined. Has he found salvation, or is a test subject all he’s destined to be?
When a scouting mission brings Reya and her team to a star sector that doesn’t support life, they stumble into far more than they first bargained for. The planet they thought was deserted contains secrets with far-reaching consequences.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Your next favourite novel awaits

Dive into this compelling novel, The Day Before Tomorrow by Monique Britten.

A poignant & beautifully layered tale, The Day Before Tomorrow is a portrayal of an era once removed, yet not forgotten – from the early to late seventies – with much of the story taking place within the Morgan family’s domestic locus and the community in which they live. Relationships become so intricately woven, adult and adolescent lines become blurred and an illicit connection between teacher and student build into hidden, often disturbing scenes of love, secrets and human experience.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A game-changing business read!

There is excellence in every interaction with André Wade’s André’s Customer Service Soapbox

Customer service exists in everything we do! It’s the action we see on a daily basis that many don’t take into consideration. But subconsciously, it can dictate how our days, months, and years unfold! The “action” that is customer service is in need of a refresher. I stand on this soapbox for you, the people! The ones that know improvements to our day-to-day lifestyles is the way to growth.
André’s Customer Service Soapbox provides the readers with a different perspective on what customer service is, and how it’s applied to our work and personal life. The two share a similar commonality. With light-hearted humor sprinkled in, this read will be sure to grasp your attention as you relate to every section!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

True stories that inspire

Embark on a journey through the pages of a life with A Soldier’s Redemption by Lorenzo Louden.

A Soldier’s Redemption is a true, candid, no-holds-barred story of infamous former gangster disciple Lorenzo Louden, a.k.a. “Shorty G.” His story immerses you in the notorious world of gangs, taking you on a bone-chilling ride through the streets of 1970s Chicago. While serving 17 years behind bars, his militant rule of the underworld expanded from the streets to the prisons until a spiritual encounter directed his journey out of the darkness onto a miraculous path of purpose and possibility.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A page-turning memoir

Step into the journey of a lifetime with Monica Buchanan’s Outsider.

Monica Buchanan grew up in Jamaica. She revisits her lived experiences of abuse and neglect in early childhood and her younger adult years. Buchanan takes the reader on a palatable path that allows for reflection on one’s own life. She writes about her survival journey, while looking through descriptive lens, she carefully details how exposure to early childhood abuse and neglect within her family helped form patterns, influenced choices, and shaped decisions in her adulthood.
By chronicling familial stories, the roles of parents, siblings, and community, she employs a story-telling and meaning-making approach, that is both painful and entertaining. Even though as a young child I was told I was the problem, I knew intuitively that I did not cause all my problems. I now know that what happened to me within the context of familial (and other) relationships had a name–emotional abuse and neglect.
Growing up I wished there were more people and resources that could help me make sense of my life as I struggled with low self-esteem, insecurities, felt lost, craved attention, and an overall sense of not belonging–I felt like an outsider and desperately wanted to be on the inside.
Buchanan reaffirms that: childhood experiences of abuse and neglect does not mean one has a commutable life sentence of pain and suffering. It does not matter where you are on your healing journey, you can set that stuff aside and reclaim your life. This book is for anyone who grew up in a toxic, abusive, and unhealthy home environment where they felt like they did not belong within the family unit. It is also a book about making changes, forgiveness, and letting go.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Author of the Month

Author of the Month: Bonnie Randall – Unmasking Halloween chills in her new book, ‘The Shadow Collector’

Discover her advice for writing memorable and haunting stories this spooky season.

The plot of The Shadow Collector held my interest from the first page to the last. I was left in suspense after reading each page.

– The Avid Reader

Welcome to a must-read interview with Tellwell author Bonnie Randall, a contemporary writer with a unique perspective that traverses both the traditional and self-publishing realms. Known for crafting mysterious and eerie tales, Bonnie Randall has left a trail of suspense with her books, Divinity & the Python, Within the Shadow’s Summit, No Vacancy, and her latest offering, The Shadow Collector.

The Shadow Collector has reached remarkable heights, achieving the coveted #1 spot on’s Ghost Romance chart. It has also peaked at #2 in Canada and reached an impressive #19 in Paranormal Suspense on

Today, Bonnie Randall generously shares her insights into the art of writing gripping stories and making the most of self-publishing.

Q: What inspired you to delve into the supernatural thriller genre, and how do you keep it fresh and exciting for your readers? 

Hey, I’m a Scorpio! I was born into the supernatural thriller genre! 

As for keeping a story in this category fresh and exciting, it can be a tall challenge! A lot of what we define as “paranormal” spins out of legends and folklore that are so old—the roots of those tales stretch right back into ancient tomes like the Torah and Bible. As such, there are fields of tropes and clichés you need to either embrace or avoid when creating your own story, because you definitely don’t want your reader to feel like they’ve already seen this book a million times. But you also want to deliver the thrill they’re expecting and hoping for. So how do you turn the key in such a way that it unlocks something unexpected? Well, how about a graveyard that’s haunted not by ghosts, but by tangible memories only your heroine can see? Or what about little phantasm children who, instead of innocent victims, are perhaps wiser (and certainly wilier) than the adults? 

Oh, and how about a haunted house that is the safest place your protagonist has ever known, a place her heart longs to be? That’s The Shadow Collector in three pithy lines, but beyond that, what keeps this story exciting are characters who are deeply human, who take you to their emotional place and make you care about them, root for them.

Q: You’ve created a captivating series of supernatural thrillers. Can you tell us what it takes to plan and execute a series like yours, and you go about it? 

Wine. A lot of wine. Or maybe it’s “whine.” 

Just kidding. The Shadow Collector is the first in what will be a four-book series whose overarching question, “Where did all the children go?” is currently answered via a blizzard of Post-it notes that serve as a storyboard in my writing room. And, just like any individual title, it is divided into Acts I, II, and III, so too is an entire series—except on a far more protracted scale. As such, Book II and Book III ostensibly serve as Act II of the entire series, and right now I am writing them simultaneously due to the amount of cross-pollination of clues and secrets revealed within each of these stories. 

Beyond plotting and process, though, another important element in a series’ execution involves staying true to the voice of each character. This series has a big cast, and each book will feature a different leading man and lady whose points of view will propel the narrative drive. To that end, one of my many jobs in crafting these novels will be to respect each character’s individual personality, their back-story, and their unique voice, which my readers have now come to know and recognize from Book I, The Shadow Collector.  

Q: Your books often mix romance, mystery, and danger. What advice can you offer to writers looking to incorporate both elements and maintain an effective balance?

First and foremost, always—and I mean always!—stay true to reactions and emotions that are consistent with whatever your protagonist is facing in each individual scene. For example: if your character is facing off with the phantom in the graveyard, she will not be thinking about how sexy the hero is (even if he is). Conversely, if your hero is flashing his adorable dimples at her while she is trying to be serious—dang! She’s gonna notice those damn dimples, and become aware of a whole clutch of other, even naughtier thoughts that will upend her too. 

In short, a romantic thriller is, essentially, two stories about the same people happening simultaneously: it’s a love story and a mystery. So to keep those pages turning, use the romance to create barriers that keep your protag from solving the mystery, and use the mystery to create barriers that keep your protag from connecting with their love interest. 

Q: Can you tell us about your experience working with Tellwell, and how self-publishing compares to traditional publishing?

I have had a variety of publication experiences! First, I had a project traditionally picked up by small press Panverse in California (Divinity & The Python, 2013); next, I self-published with no assistance (Within The Summit’s Shadow, 2019); and now I’ve chosen the assisted-publishing route with Tellwell’s contribution to The Shadow Collector

Each experience has benefits and challenges: going the traditional route can result in a publisher taking on the “heavy lifting” of cost, distribution, and some marketing, but trad publishing also involves querying and uncertainty. Will an agent or editor even be interested in my project? Or will they take a pass? 

Self-publishing comes with the benefit of getting your project into the hands of readers, but indie authors still (sadly) face a lot of stigma: some readers (and other writers) assume your work is substandard, amateur, or even “illegitimate.” With that reality in mind, I strongly recommend that any author going the self-published route does it well: make the investment and use assisted publishing to help craft the best-looking product you can produce, because like it or not, we do judge a book by its cover, so yours needs to shine! Don’t believe me? I’d be only too happy to share the dramatic difference in sales between my unassisted self-published novel Within the Summit’s Shadow and The Shadow Collector, which I created with Tellwell. 

Next: use an editor. No, seriously, use an editor! If you have a professional editor, great. If you don’t, and the assisted-publishing company you’ve employed offers editing as part of their service, purchase it!

Yikes! That turned into a bit of a lecture, didn’t it? Let me sum up with this: my Shadow Collector journey with Tellwell has been top shelf; the formatting, the cover art design, and (perhaps especially) the marketing coaching has, without a doubt, been a massive part of what has propelled The Shadow Collector into the top 50 in its Amazon categories eight separate times since its release in May. I am so thrilled and grateful to be working with such a great partner! 

Q: Could you share some of the books and authors who have inspired your writing journey? 

I read so much and from such a wide variety of genres, anyone who looks at my Goodreads list probably thinks it’s been compiled by a dozen different people! But certain authors inspire me more than others: Lucy Foley and Shari Lapena are pacing and plot twist queens! For the creepy factor, though, I adore Jennifer MacMahon, but I (obviously) love me some sweet magic too, so for that I pick up everything by Sarah Addison Allen and Heather Webber. When I want my prose to lean a little more into the poetic and imagery-rich side of life, Ann Marie Eleazer’s poetry gets me there, but if I really want my paranormal possibilities to crackle and creep you out good and proper, I dive into the blacker-than-midnight rabbit holes of the late indie journalist David McGowan!  

Q: What’s your favourite way to celebrate Halloween? 

I’m glad you asked, but you might not be! Aside from giving out stellar loot bags (no candy corn or witch’s kisses from this house, baby! Here it’s chips & chocolate all the way!) I, unlike The Shadow Collector’s Natalya, actually enjoy a stroll through the cemetery—especially on Halloween. In fact, an abandoned graveyard where I used to live had headstones that would appear then disappear depending on who was looking at them, and what angle they were looking from. And yeah, I write fiction, but I am not making that up.

Pick up one of Bonnie’s books this Halloween. Just click the image below.

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Tellwell News

Tellwell Publishing Announces Indigenous Voices Grant in Honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Since our inception, it has always been a prevalent part of our mission to help cultivate a vibrant culture through the telling of powerful stories. To align with this mission, we are launching a new program called the Indigenous Voices Grant, earmarking $10,000 in in-kind book publishing services to amplify the voices of Indigenous Canadians. 

The grant supports Tellwell’s commitment to contributing to the understanding of Indigenous communities, histories, and perspectives in Canada.

The guidelines for the Indigenous Voices Grant will be established in the coming months with the funding allocated and first book projects selected in 2024. The grant may support one or more book projects depending on the submissions received and their budgetary needs.

Stay tuned for additional information pertaining to eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and our official launch of this grant!

Learn more about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

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Meet the Team

Introducing Mark Mionda, one of Tellwell’s treasured book-marketing associates

For the month of September, we are thrilled to introduce you to Mark, one of our team’s gifted book-marketing associates. In this interview you’ll learn what keeps Mark inspired creatively, what a typical day at Tellwell looks like for him, and how he enjoys spending his free time when he’s not bringing author visions to life!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hey there! My name is Mark and I’m one of the book-marketing associates here at Tellwell. I recently celebrated my first work anniversary with the company in July.

My journey in the marketing world began back in 2018. I kicked things off by working in digital marketing for a jewelry brand. After that, I took a detour and worked as a consultant in the government sector. Now, I’m thrilled to be a part of the amazing Tellwell team as a book-marketing associate.

What does a typical day look like for you?

My workday starts with my ritual cup of coffee. With my caffeine fix in hand, I dive into the day ahead. Firstly, I go through emails and over my to-do list, ensuring that no important tasks in my book-marketing projects are missed.

As a book-marketing associate, my role is all about collaboration. I work closely alongside our marketing consultants, offering a helping hand whenever they need it. Whether it’s creating book backgrounders, designing promotional materials, setting up ad campaigns, organizing book blog tours, or tackling various other marketing tasks, I’ve got my hand in the mix.

I also take care of our website section. It’s my responsibility to keep track of website renewals for our authors, providing them with prompt, helpful responses to any website-related queries, and keeping their websites updated.

In a nutshell, my days are a blend of coffee, collaboration/teamwork, and ensuring that our authors’ book-marketing journeys are as seamless as possible.

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Book Giveaways

A treasure trove of page-turner giveaways!

Let Tellwell take you to another world this September as we bring something even more magical than the changing seasons: an abundance of captivating stories waiting for you!

We’ve got extraordinary tales that will transport you to far-off realms, introduce you to unforgettable characters and their adventures, and ignite your imagination like never before.

Prepare to dive into our September book giveaway, where the treasures of captivating stories await!

A wonderful poetic journey

A must-read poetry masterpiece in Alysha Potente’s Heart Expressions.

Creative expression is one way of communicating across your thoughts and emotions. It is about conveying what it is that your heart and mind want to others in an artistic way. Included in this book are 80 poems that analytically showcase this, along with beautiful imagery to each poem and three extra chapters at the end of the book that are all based on English poetry, a bit about it’s history, the different styles and how you too can analytically write.
It’s more than just a book of the author’s poems.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

An adventurous tale awaits

Enjoy a fun-filled and heartwarming adventure that embraces differences with Crystal Beach’s book, One Polar Bear.

One Polar Bear is a delightful rhyming book filled with lovable animals from the Canadian Arctic. Polar Bear is home sick and alone. Many animal friends drop by to cheer Polar Bear up. This counting story celebrates individuals with a variety of abilities and disabilities, and the text helps teach the numbers one to ten. Canada is a country made up of many peoples and cultures. This book reflects this diversity by featuring the word “welcome” in different languages amongst its pages. One Polar Bear is a wonderful bedtime story and a beautiful way to educate and celebrate the differences in our world.
If you can be anything, be inclusive.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A love story in poetic lines

Feel the love in every page, where love meets the written word, with Marina Quindiagan’s poetry book, My Thoughts are Coloured Purple.

This is a book of poems on love. Love is a universal language. Love yourself, love your neighbours, love your parents, love your siblings—even love your enemies. Most of the poems are on romantic love. When you are in love, you get an awesome feeling. You walk on the clouds. However, love can be unrequited, unanswered and can bring an awful feeling. Love is in the movies, in songs, and in music. Love is in this book of poems, ever so strong and powerful.
It’s there for you to enjoy.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

For every little tot who loves books

Come along on a wonderful journey with Summerton Thompson Connor’s children’s book, The Adventures of Captain Jimmy Jams.

A bedtime storybook for parents to read to their children, depicting the excitement for possible adventures in dreams and the sensation of letting thoughts wander as you drift off to sleep.
Meant to invoke soft imagery and imaginative thoughts of adventure and fun, it’s a relaxing read for pleasant sleep.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Looking for another must-read fantasy story?

Look no further than this magical tale by Ailan McAndrew, Royal Souls.

The year: 963 AD. Prince O’Manus and Princess Sadreen are murdered at their wedding by the evil self-ordained Queen Sorcha. The souls of the royal couple, wrapped in magical protection, are cast from their bodies. The Prince’s search, to reunite with his bride, begins, and Queen Sorcha goes on a thousand-year killing spree trying to destroy either soul and enslave the magical world.
Beth, unaware of the prophecy, has been alone for fifteen years, training to become the most powerful witch alive in the 21st century, and now her life is about to explode into a battle of survival and trial by fire. Then she meets Karse, the son of a Scottish clan chief, and her Lysa bloodline curse ignites. Beth fights to control her desires for Karse as an unknown world unfolds and threatens to devour her very soul as she goes from a carefree witch to the key of victory. The soul of Prince O’Manus, hidden in unsuspecting Rhynan Doon, must get from the West Coast of British Columbia to Rainsford Island in the Boston Harbor, where Princess Sadreen’s soul awaits, before Queen Sorcha slaughters the magical world to prevent the reunion.
Nine days. Win or lose.
The clock starts on August 29 at 3 a.m. The ‘Day of Dust’, 9-6 3 a.m.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Searching for your next historical read?

Embrace the past one page at a time with Leonida Teohari’s memoir, Mama Dida.

Leo Teohari was born in Constanta, Romania. Leo holds both a law degree and a degree in international economics. Leo defected from Communist Romania in 1980, and settled with his family in Toronto, Canada, where he became a businessman. Today he writes about his experiences and runs an international food trade business.
In 2004 he published his first book, Hawala, based on a true story about a government cover-up and diversion related to the Romanian revolution in 1989.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

September author celebrations

September is here, and it’s time to roll out our author celebrations! Let’s celebrate the remarkable authors this month of September and explore their literary achievements …


At the forefront of our list is author Lisa Bournelis. Her book Louie and the Dictator has achieved its third international honour, securing a silver medal in the middle-grade category from Reader’s Favorite.

Patroosh, the Cheeky Pelican by Renée James has been awarded second place in the Clara J. John’s Literary Award 2023 for Best Picture Book and Illustrations.

Get your own copy of Patroosh, the Cheeky Pelican here!


Aldyth Irvine-Harrison, the talented author behind the enchanting book Kindness, Capers, and Conundrums, recently earned a glowing 4.5-star review from IndieReader.

Lovers of poetry who are looking for laughter, literary allusions, and a skeptical-but-not-jaded view of humanity will enjoy the lyrics of Aldyth Irvine-Harrison’s KINDNESS CAPERS AND CONUNDRUMS.


Don’t miss out and grab your own copy of Kindness, Capers, and Conundrums here.

Jerome Cranston has hit a literary home run with Half-Caste: Decidedly Brown in a Black or White World, as another prestigious 4.5-star review has just rolled in from Self-Publishing Review.

On the surface, the book may seem to be written for a mixed-ethnicity audience, but there are anecdotal gems of wisdom and experiential advice that will benefit any reader. With a unique voice and style, Cranston shows himself to be a skilled storyteller and a relentless observer of his own life, as well as encapsulating the experience of so many others.

Self-Publishing Review

Get your own copy of Half-Caste on Amazon!

Monique Britten’s literary prowess shines bright with a glowing 4-star review from Self-Publishing Review.

Thanks to Britten’s deeply moving and beautifully crafted prose, this richly emotional book manages to talk about death, grief, and hope across generations without ever being maudlin or heavy-handed, offering a finely tuned balance of insightful messaging and character-driven storytelling.

Self-Publishing Review

Grab your own copy of The Day Before Tomorrow here.

In Badger and Turtle Face the Storm by Daniel McMillan, you’ll embark on a delightful adventure alongside two charming animal friends. This enchanting story, reviewed by Reader View Kids, promises an engaging and heartwarming experience for readers young and old.

Get your own copy of Badger and Turtle Face the Storm here!


Renée James recently graced a lively stage at the St Mary’s Primary Grafton Writers’ Festival. Her presence was a true delight for all attendees, weaving stories and captivating hearts with her charm.

Grab your own copy of Patroosh, the Hungry Pelican on Amazon!

Celebrating Larenzo Jensen’s unforgettable book launch for his Wines and Winters! Here are some great snapshots of the event, where literature and libations came together in perfect harmony.

Get your own copy of Wines and Winters here!

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Author of the Month Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews Uncategorized

Author Bryan Cole unveils the complex world of paladins in his fantasy novels ‘Beginning of Arrogance’ & ‘Futility of Defense’

Dive into an exciting interview to discuss the creative process for an epic fantasy series

Cole’s vivid depictions of combat are nothing short of mesmerizing. Imagine being entrenched in battle, surrounded by monsters, all the while strategizing to unveil the greater powers at play. Fans of the fantasy genre will find themselves entranced by the myriad magical and supernatural elements skillfully interwoven into the narrative. This book is a veritable treasure trove of fantastical wonders, from teleportation to gods, prophecies, and dragons.

★★★★ Literary Titan

In his compelling fantasy series, critically acclaimed author Bryan Cole delves into the intricate relationship between paladins and the societies they engage with. His book Beginning of Arrogance recently reached #2 on’s Military Fantasy chart and peaked at #20 in Epic Fantasy. His latest novel, Futility of Defense, explores the complexities of divine champions, blending heroism with the disruption of the balance of power. Inspired by a desire to create a world where paladins aren’t just token additions but significant forces with real-world consequences, Cole crafts a captivating narrative. Join us as we dive into the inspiration behind his characters, the challenges they face, and the intriguing blend of classic fantasy elements that shape his storytelling.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

August author celebrations

We cannot wait to celebrate our author achievements with you this month! From ranking high in the Amazon charts to being featured in prestigious online publications, our authors continue to share their literary works with the world.


We’re excited to shine a spotlight on Barb Lockert’s mainstream media placement in The Edmonton Journal for Easy Baking in Barb’s Kitchen.

Next up we have Colleen Kanten Carbol’s debut romance novel, Find Me on 4th Street, which was featured on BroadwayWorld!

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Meet the Team

Meet the Team: Introducing Charlene, your dedicated book-project manager

At Tellwell, we’re proud of the teamwork that makes book publishing happen, and at the forefront is Charlene, one of our skilled book-project managers!

Let’s explore her drive and inspirations, and how she makes books come alive. Join us to uncover the person behind the role and feel her dedication in every project.

Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Charlene, but I’m used to being called by my nicknames: Yen or Charlie. And since I belong to a medical family, I hold a degree in nursing, but haven’t really practiced it.

I am both spontaneous and meticulous. I plan the small activities I need to do before starting a new day (what time to wake up, shower first or breakfast? Movie or reading?) Yet, so far I have never planned the huge things in my life (the major I took in college, my travel experiences, past jobs). Amazingly, things always turn out great!

My family and friends see me as the go-getter, but I feel otherwise. I just feel like I really do not show my full potential to people. And when I feel comfortable with something, I just stop there and make it a habit. But looking back, I think I had left my comfort zone a lot of times but never recognized it.

I am a dog lover! I am always happy to talk about the times I pet sit.

I’m a homebody, but not really. I can stay inside my box-like room for a week without complaining (as long as I have food, internet, music to listen to, movies to watch, books to read). But there are times that I crave traveling—I really want to explore places that are unfamiliar to me. Experience their culture. Taste their food. Have interesting chats with other travelers. It just feels so liberating!

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