Tellwell Books on Mental Health

For May’s Mental Health Awareness month, we are acknowledging some of our Tellwell authors whose books include themes of anxiety, depression, insecurities, and emotional expression. These books aim to give the reader a better understanding around mental health and how to recognize and communicate various feelings.
I Don’t Want to Go to School
Abosede Oderinde

I Don’t Want to Go To School is a book that is intended to help children and families deal with separation anxiety, especially when it’s their first time at school. For some children, every day is like the first day because they are afraid their families will not return to pick them up. I wrote this book to reassure children who are still working on a secure attachment, that school is fun and families always come back because they are loved. Most books that address these issues use animal characters, but I chose real-life illustrations that the children can relate to. Lastly, this book will help teachers present classroom transitions to little children more effectively.
Karli Coulter Gillespie

A story about a young girl who has a worry bully that keeps visiting and making her tummy and her head hurt. Whether it’s when she’s trying to join a game with friends, speak in front of her class or go for a check-up, he keeps showing up. He seems to be EVERYWHERE! But with help from some people who care and a big dose of bravery, she begins to learn just how to send her worry bully away.
Feelu: Explore Your Feelings
Niloufar Shafiei

Feelu is a fun adventure that can improve children’s mental health. It helps children to explore their feelings and handle them in a healthy manner.
Feelu also encourages children to be kind and mindful, and to relax their bodies and minds. It also gives suggestions for how to react to bullying.
Feelu‘s goal is to spread love, kindness and happiness by promoting the mental health of all children, including those with autism and special needs.
This book is accompanied by the Feelu iOS app. Feelu is produced by Black Whale Technology Inc., a software company focused on designing high-quality apps for kids. For more information, please follow on Instagram or visit
Out of Bounds: Artists Colouring Book
Stephanie Lagroix

I’ve designed this book so that every artist from ages 4 to 104 can have fun, play with color and allow their imagination to take hold.
Each drawing is subjective, and with that, everyone sees something different. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it.
A percentage of the net proceeds of this book will go towards mental health initiatives.
Sometimes Daddy Cries
Todd Rennebohm

Sometimes Daddy Cries is told through the eyes of a boy whose father suffers from depression. He sees his dad get sad, rest and even go to the hospital, all while comparing his father’s depression to a physical ailment.
How Do You Feel?
Irma Canut Gasperin

Follow the emotional journey of Toto while he plays with blocks. Toto is playful and curious, experiencing various emotions as he develops his game and skills. He shows us how to play, and the resulting emotions are fundamental to the emotional health and well-being of children.
When emotions stop moving, children get stuck, often resulting in problems of attention, learning, and behavior. On the contrary, when we encourage emotions to flow, and function naturally, as they should, empathy, group play, and healthy social skills will bear fruit from within children.
Discover how, with simple, colorful, and attractive images that capture the attention of children, this book names and offers a visual representation of emotions and feelings, which helps children recognize their own emotions and embrace them while helping parents, teachers, and caregivers to become facilitators of this wonderful process.
Nora and the Worry Zoot
Dr. Jennifer Gordon

Navigating new and uncertain situations is difficult for most children. This empowering story is about overcoming worry and apprehension, as well as building courage and confidence to try new things. For Nora, worry comes in the form of a pesky little bug that tries its best to stop her from being brave when meeting new friends. Using rhyme, this story addresses symptoms of worry and provides coping strategies that help Nora to find and embrace her “inner strong.” This story is the perfect springboard for talking to children about worry. It aims to inspire courage, foster resiliency, and promote inner strength in their lives no matter how difficult the challenge.
Safe In Starry Arms
Christie Lea

Do you ever wonder where you fit in this vast and wonderful universe? Do you ever feel alone or anxious, worried that you won’t be able to handle challenges as they arise? Or perhaps wonder why you are here at all?
Safe in Starry Arms tells the tale of a beautiful journey of mind, body, and spirit as 10-year-old Nicholas answers these questions for himself and joyfully discovers his true nature through exploring the amazing world around him. Watch in awe as Nicholas begins to shed his insecurities and understand where he came from, who he is and maybe even wonder, with happy anticipation, where he is going!
Beautifully illustrated by award-winning contemporary West Coast artist Di, Safe in Starry Arms artfully represents on paper the overwhelming array of miracles that surround us every day. Immerse yourself in a stunning work of depth and detail that naturally encourages questions about our precious home planet of Earth and beyond.
Special, Little You
Tristan Chancey

Not your typical storybook! This book is designed to promote self-image and mental health in children ages three to five. It is meant to be read aloud to enhance the child’s experience of feeling important. The main character has flaws and imperfections that would seem to be insecurities for a child. This book is meant to remind every child that they are special, even with imperfections.
Thank you to all the authors and illustrators who have lent their talent and creativity to creating more understanding for mental health. There’s lots of room to learn even more about mental health awareness. Let’s keep the conversation going!
Is there a book that’s helped you get through tough times, or helped you explain how you’re feeling? Share a comment below!