Tag Archives: tellwell publishing

Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

From Manuscript to Milestones: February’s Tellwell Success Stories 2024

Let’s embark on a literary journey that inspires and motivates, our Tellwell author continues to create waves in the literary world.

Join us in celebrating the milestones achieved by our authors as they generously share their stories of success and the remarkable paths they’ve traveled.


Award-winning author Arwinder Kaur graciously shared with us about another chapter in her literary journey as the iconic billboards of New York City’s Times Square showcases her with her award-winning book, “Living while Human,” adding to the recognition of her exceptional storytelling.

Author of the book Rhapsody in a Minor Mode, Elaine Kozak takes us on a journey sharing her personal story and delving into the fascinating process of bringing her book to life in an exclusive interview with Reader Views!

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Meet the Team

Behind the Pages: Meet Shaira, Tellwell’s Book Project Manager

Introducing Shaira Villamor, a skilled project manager at Tellwell. In this month’s Meet the Team, Shaira shares her behind-the-scenes insights into the book publishing journey.

Dive into Shai’s world and discover her pivotal role in the publishing process!

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am a graduate of Communication Arts. I am interested in public speaking and feature writing, but that doesn’t mean I am good at them. I started reading books in an attempt to improve my speaking and writing skills. My recent favourite read is The Hunger Games Trilogy. Once in a while, I enjoy travelling with family. I learned that travelling helps me understand myself more.

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Book Giveaways

Tellwell’s February Book Giveaways

Adding an extra sprinkle of sweetness to your February with Tellwell’s book giveaways!

Packed with great stories and exciting adventures, let our literary fest be your go-to adventure this month.

Your next favourite transformational read!

Jose and Lourdes Amoloria’s book, One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World, will make you rethink how adversity, grief, and loss can cause so much pain, and yet these life challenges can facilitate creativity, and be transformed into gifts and blessings for a meaningful and productive existence.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose’s life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Up for an adventurous read?

Carleen Dehaney takes us to a fun adventure with her book, Toothbrush Animal Hunt!

Embark on a delightful adventure with Toothbrush Animal Hunt, the perfect children’s book to encourage daily toothbrushing habits in a playful and enjoyable way.

From a clapping sea lion at the beach to a cheeky squirrel in the forest, children will be fascinated as they learn about toothbrushing through the actions and antics of these charming creatures. And don’t forget to spot the toothbrushes hidden throughout the pages, making this hunt, a delightful game of discovery.

Say goodbye to toothbrushing struggles and let the adventure begin!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Tellwell News

A Look at Tellwell Publishing’s Key Moments and Milestones of 2023

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2023, it’s wonderful to reflect on the remarkable journey we’ve undertaken together at Tellwell, both on a personal and professional level. This year has been filled with significant moments, accomplishments, and the joy of connecting with talented individuals who make our community truly exceptional. Here are just a few standout moments at Tellwell from the past year:

  • We were a finalist for the Better Business Bureau Torch Awards for Ethics for the second year in a row, this year in the Customer Service category.
  • We launched new book coaching and ghostwriting services aimed at helping writers take their manuscripts to the finish line, either with the help of a book coach or a ghostwriter.
  • We launched our premium non-fiction packages, which include ghostwriting and publishing services, as a one-stop shop for authors looking for help writing and publishing their books.
  • Tellwell acquired the Australian publishing imprint IndieMosh, providing existing IndieMosh authors with a full suite of distribution, publishing, and marketing options. IndieMosh continues to operate with its existing name in Australia as a Tellwell Publishing imprint.
  • We had several well-deserved promotions: Michelle to finance controller, Jealou to software developer team lead, and Rhea to author success manager. Congratulations, and well-deserved!

On a personal note:

  • Our content creator, Alyssa, welcomed her second child this year, and is off on maternity leave.
  • Our head of operations, Simon Page, got engaged this year.
  • We welcomed back our book marketing team lead, Katie Hennessey, and head of marketing, Monica Martinez, from their respective maternity leaves.

Congratulations all! It’s been an incredible year. We cannot wait to help more authors share their stories in 2024! Let’s go!

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

October author success stories

We have an extensive assortment of author successes to celebrate this October. Join us as we round up 5-star reviews, new chart-toppers, and award-winners!


Parimalasri Docktor reached #1 on the Hot New Release charts in Children’s Reptile and Amphibian Books with Tortoise Goes to the Vet. In addition to soaring on the charts, Parimalasri Docktor and her book have been featured on CBS News!

Daniel McMillan was recently featured on the Inside Scoop Live! podcast discussing his book Badger and Turtle Face the Storm. His book follows a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant for not only children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents.

Brother Bo recently scored a #1 hit on two charts with his book on sacred masculinity, The Father’s Seeds. Learn more about this chart-topper.

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Meet the Team

Introducing Mark Mionda, one of Tellwell’s treasured book-marketing associates

For the month of September, we are thrilled to introduce you to Mark, one of our team’s gifted book-marketing associates. In this interview you’ll learn what keeps Mark inspired creatively, what a typical day at Tellwell looks like for him, and how he enjoys spending his free time when he’s not bringing author visions to life!

Tell us a bit about yourself!

Hey there! My name is Mark and I’m one of the book-marketing associates here at Tellwell. I recently celebrated my first work anniversary with the company in July.

My journey in the marketing world began back in 2018. I kicked things off by working in digital marketing for a jewelry brand. After that, I took a detour and worked as a consultant in the government sector. Now, I’m thrilled to be a part of the amazing Tellwell team as a book-marketing associate.

What does a typical day look like for you?

My workday starts with my ritual cup of coffee. With my caffeine fix in hand, I dive into the day ahead. Firstly, I go through emails and over my to-do list, ensuring that no important tasks in my book-marketing projects are missed.

As a book-marketing associate, my role is all about collaboration. I work closely alongside our marketing consultants, offering a helping hand whenever they need it. Whether it’s creating book backgrounders, designing promotional materials, setting up ad campaigns, organizing book blog tours, or tackling various other marketing tasks, I’ve got my hand in the mix.

I also take care of our website section. It’s my responsibility to keep track of website renewals for our authors, providing them with prompt, helpful responses to any website-related queries, and keeping their websites updated.

In a nutshell, my days are a blend of coffee, collaboration/teamwork, and ensuring that our authors’ book-marketing journeys are as seamless as possible.

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Guest Post Tips & Tricks

Tellwell editor Simon Ogden’s advice to first-time authors

By Simon Ogden, Tellwell editor

You’ve done it. You’ve committed to the writing life. How are you feeling? Excited? Scared? Bored? Lonely? Us too. Welcome to the band—we’re delighted that you’ve decided to join us. We’re a bizarro group and legion, all of us utterly, fantastically, bewilderingly unique, except for one little idiosyncrasy: we all have stories screaming and punching and kicking inside of us that we need to wrestle into the world. There are many out there with the same constipation as us, but they may let it loose through interpretive dance or song or watercolours, or by yelling it into the faces of people in line for the bus. But not us. Not we. We’re the scribes, the men and women of letters. We adore specificity and nuance. We love the tranquility of words nestled on a page, the calm, rational, and quiet way they present themselves to our audience. Our hearts beat for that alchemic conversion of action and imagery and diaphanous emotion into the solidity of language. We’re the Hobbits of the storytelling tribe, and we don’t give a fig if you haven’t yet been paid for your writing. If you’ve managed to set a word down on a page and followed it, tentatively or resolutely with another, you’re one of us and you are welcome here. Make yourself comfortable and we’ll put the kettle on.

As a brand-new author, the first thing you need to be clear on is that all those concerns you have about what comes next and exactly how this whole writing puzzle works—samesies! We’re right there with you, in one way or another. This, like all great and worthy art forms, is a mentorship trade, like sculpture or carpentry. The longer you do it, the more sense it makes, and the more your lovely, unique, necessary voice rings out melodically to the readers who need to read that thing in that way at that precise time, and they will be grateful in ways none of us can hope to fathom. Delightfully, unlike most mentorship trades, our mentors are all around us: our bookshelves groan under their weight, our end tables disappear beneath them, our bathwater occasionally reshapes them for us.

Read and find inspiration
The all-time, number one, pin-it-to-the-top-of-your-list chunk of writing advice from anyone worth listening to will always be: Get your nose in as many books as possible. Find the authors who talk in the way you want to be talked to and ingest their work.

The second piece of advice toward becoming a better writer is—no surprises here—to write a whole bunch. It’s a close number two, but make no mistake, number two it is. It would be hard to build a nice house if you’ve never been inside of a nice house, no matter how many nails you’ve hammered into a board. However, in the wake of these bits of obviousness, the sea of writing advice starts to get a little choppy. What is revelatory for some from here on forward may be pure bilge for others. There is a freakish amount of writing advice out there to shovel up if you choose to dig for it. Give it all due consideration, but understand as you do that there is no specific method applied by another artist that is also exactly your method. This is the essence and provenance of art. If some “genius” advice doesn’t resonate with you, it ain’t your soup—chuck it and move on.

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Tellwell Books

Nine Black authors to add to your to-be-read list for Black History Month

Celebrating the works of some of our talented authors during Black History Month

This February, we are honouring some of our talented Black authors in their contributions to the literary world! Spanning genres that range from business to children’s and religious to memoir, our authors have stories they have carefully and courageously shared with the world.

Lamar Jackson

I Dream, You Dream, Let Us Dream! was written to inspire children of all ages to never give up on their dreams. When accompanied by hard work, dedication, consistency, and faith, your dream can turn into your reality. Do not allow others to tell you that your dreams are impossible and can’t be done. Even if it’s never been done before, you’re just the one chosen to do it. Dream big, work hard, and live your reality! You can do it!

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Book Giveaways

Find your next page-turner with our February book giveaway!

Get ready to escape reality and embark on a journey beyond the pages. Let the books you read transport you to different worlds filled with adventure, fantasy, fun, and magic. So if you want to immerse yourself in the power of imagination and discover the beauty of storytelling, we got you!

 Now, curl up with a good book and let the magic begin with these amazing reads from our Tellwell authors offering their books for free for you to enjoy! 

Searching for your next great story or activity to share with the kids?

Get ready for a wild ride filled with magic, adventure, and fun with this mesmerizing children’s book from our February book promo, My Magical Gnome Story Book by Monika Anna Blichar.

Magic is everywhere. You just have to believe. Follow Edy on his magical adventures into the human world while he tries to save the last Golden Believer left on earth. A magical adventure for young and old alike!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Sci-Fi/fantasy giveaway

Step into a world of magic and adventure with these must-read fantasy fiction books! Start your journey today and discover the magic for yourself with the book The Secret of Alviton from L. V. Clark!

Alviton was a strong, prospering country full of light. The people worked side by side with the Fae, creatures blessed with magic. But that was before the war. Massive genocide and fear of the Fae touched everyone, as brother turned against brother. Years later, and still reeling from the war, the new generation has clawed and connived to remove the stains left by their predecessors. Sheltered from this reality, Nydia lives her life relatively happy and ignorant, surrounded by smoke and mirrors. But eventually glass shatters and smoke settles. As she struggles to unveil the truth about herself and the people around her, danger lies on the horizon, threatening to extinguish the small flicker of light in this dark and twisted country.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Up for your next favourite transformational journey?

Ready to take on another incredible transformational journey with this incredible self-help book? Here’s to personal growth, transformation, and becoming the best version of ourselves with Azim Jamal’s book Spark: Journey from Success to Significance.

In a world vigorously chasing classic ideals of success, find your spark and become significant. Your journey starts here. Meet Steve, a hotshot lawyer fighting to climb the corporate ladder in this inspiring fable. His life transforms seemingly overnight as he is sent to India for a task he considers pointless. But things quickly fall apart. Steve, forced to reconsider his path, realizes that the curveball life has thrown at him is an opportunity to find his true purpose. This spiritual odyssey is about to transform him beyond his wildest dreams. A powerful lesson follows each chapter, making up the SPARK that transforms Steve’s life: Selflessness, Purpose, Attraction, Resilience and Knowing. This SPARK is hidden within you too. It may be dormant now, but awakening to it will catapult you from the “Present You” to the “Best You.” It’s time to light up your SPARK today.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Book Giveaways

Book giveaways: January must-reads

If reading more or supporting independent authors is part of your resolutions for this new year, we’ve got some great options to get you started!

Three of our authors are offering their books for free for you to enjoy! These promotions won’t last forever, so make sure to get your copy while you can.

Searching for your next favourite story?

This book promo features a variety of great books to lose yourself in, including My Magical Gnome Story Book by Tellwell author Monika Anna Blichar.

Magic is everywhere. You just have to believe. Follow Edy on his magical adventures into the human world while he tries to save the last Golden Believer left on earth. A magical adventure for young and old alike!

Get warm and fuzzy

Looking for the perfect warm and fuzzy story to get you through these winter months? The Forever Heart by Diana Bolianaz is the perfect read to grab!

Liza is a beautiful nineteen-year-old girl who comes from a strict Mennonite background. She lives at home with her mother, brother, and domineering father. When Liza meets Melvin, a handsome young Black journalist, they fall madly in love. She has to keep the relationship a secret from her family because she knows her father would never approve. When Liza becomes pregnant, her world is turned upside down.

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