Tag Archives: non fiction authors

Book Giveaways

Turn the Pages with Tellwell’s April Book Giveaways

Delve into an enlightening and transformative literary journey that promises to captivate your imagination and enrich your soul.

Enjoy a month of reading with our book giveaway!

Your Next Favourite Transformational Read

Jose and Lourdes Amoloria’s book, One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World, is about the impact of adversity, grief, and loss, and explores how these struggles, while painful, can also inspire creativity and personal growth, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose’s life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

Click Here to get your FREE copy

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

March Success Stories from Tellwell Authors

We’re setting sail on a literary adventure filled with inspiration!

Let’s raise a toast to celebrate our Tellwell authors making waves in the literary world with their inspiring narratives who have turned their dreams into reality!


Elaine Alec, named BC’s Woman of the Year in 2023, recently shared an update on her upcoming literary endeavours with Tellwell. In her post, she reflected on her journey as an author and discussed the anticipation surrounding her forthcoming publication.

Elaine sold 16,000 copies of her first book, Calling My Spirit Back.

Today I had my first call with my editor at @tellwellpublishing for my second book, Coming of Age.

I am self-published. And I’ve really considered the traditional publishing route, but I’m not just a writer, I’m an entrepreneur. Do I want to make $1 per book in royalties, or $5-$7/book?

This book has been sitting with me for two winters and I’m happy to finally take this next step . . . Editing and rewriting isn’t always the most exciting but it’s really rewarding knowing that it brings you one step closer to getting your book out there.

-Elaine Alec in her Instagram Post

Tellwell author Karen Harmon recently appeared on CFJC MIDDAY! In an exclusive interview, Karen delves into the details of her latest book, her fourth: Class of ’78.

Karen has published all four of her books with Tellwell: Looking for Normal, Where Is My Happy Ending?, Fat and Beautiful, and Class of ’78.


Glenda Toews earned a Silver Award in Non-Fiction in the Reader Views Literary Awards with her book, Spinning on a Barstool.

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Author of the Month

Breaking Triathlon World Records Together – Meet Our Author and Racing Power Couple John Wragg and Elizabeth Model

The new Memoir “Go” details John Wragg and Elizabeth Model’s journey competing across all seven continents and completing 400 full-distance triathlons.

“The challenges are part of the journey.”

John Wragg

We’re shining the spotlight on a triathlon power couple, John Wragg and Elizabeth Model, who are breaking records all over the world!

They have competed across all seven continents, completing 400 full-distance triathlons! Wragg has almost completed 300 triathlons, more than anybody else on this planet! And Model is one of only two women to have competed in more than 100 triathlons.

The Canadian couple co-wrote their memoir “Go: A Multi-Sport Journey Through Seven Continents” and are Tellwell’s January Author of the Month!

Embark on a journey with John Wragg and Elizabeth Model, a couple who conquered the world of triathlons. In this interview, we explore their love story that began at the Ironman finish line in Tempe, Arizona, and the highs and lows of their multisport adventures.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

New Chapter, More Success Stories!

Let’s kick off 2024 with some incredible literary success stories!

We’re shining the spotlight on our remarkable Tellwell authors who are rocking the literary scene. Whether it’s top-notch book reviews, exciting book events, public recognition, or book awards, our authors are out there creating more inspiring stories with every win!


We are absolutely thrilled to share that Joseph Camel has graced the grand billboards of the iconic NYC Times Square, featuring his book Little Joe in The Big City.

Joseph’s book takes kids to an adventure to New York City, learning about the history of different landmarks. It gives kids an idea of what NYC is about, and how you can meet some really great people and new friends along the way.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

December Delights: Sparkling Success Stories of Authors Embracing the Magic of the Season

As the holiday season fills the air with joy, we’re excited to share these journeys of inspiring authors and their success stories. Come along on an enchanting ride through our December highlights, where each story sparkles brightly with the magic of success and perseverance.

With a festive spirit, we raise a toast to the incredible accomplishments of our authors this December!


Tellwell author Keith Hamilton has recently received the Silver Literary Titan Award for his book, Desperation Island.

Grab a copy of Desperation Island here!

Lisa Oatway’s book The Dinosaur Encounter won the 2023 Canadian Book Club Awards in the category of Children/Early Reader!

Grab a copy of The Dinosaur Encounter here!

The author behind the book Shelter, Rebecca Brown, earned a bronze medal in the 2023 Living Now Book Awards in the Health and Wellness Category!

Grab a copy of Shelter here!


An incredible review from IndieReader was given to Monique Britten for her book, The Day Before Tomorrow.

A challenging and emotional read in terms of subject matter, Monique Britten’s THE DAY BEFORE TOMORROW is not for the faint of heart—a beautiful narrative that addresses real-world hopes and fears unflinchingly, albeit with a potentially divisive ending.

IndieReader Book Review

A page-turner you don’t want to miss. Get your copy of The Day Before Tomorrow by Monique Britten here!

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Book Giveaways

Literary Holiday Cheer With Our December Book Giveaway

Check out our year-end book giveaway, an enlightening and entertaining non-fiction read.

Don’t miss out on our giveaway, which offers a blend of educational and engaging content for your year-end reading experience.

Non-Fiction Reads!

An insightful book on private self-care: Mallory Erler’s Vageen Queen.

Ever thought of going bare down there? Looking for a little landscaping, or are you a waxing warrior?

Whatever your pre-fur-ance, this hilarious “how to” is full of tips, tricks, what you should know ahead of time and some great treatment-room stories to get you prepped and ready for your first plume plucking!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Tales and success stories!

Another month, another celebration of authors’ success stories!

We are putting the spotlight on our authors who continue to make waves in the literary world. From book reviews to public recognitions and awards, we applaud these remarkable achievements. We share a toast to these authors and their masterpieces as we celebrate their literary triumphs!


Tellwell author Monique Britten has recently received the Silver Litarary Titan Award for her book, The Day Before Tomorrow.

Grab a copy of The Day Before Tomorrow here!


A glowing five-star review from Reader Views was given to Dr. Mark Burns’ book,  A Light Amongst the Stars.

Dr. Mark W. Burns writes a concise biography of Amelia’s beginnings and family history with the gift. He describes the inner workings of Amelia’s service to individuals who come to her for readings and enables the reader to get inside the mind of a psychic medium to learn how she deals with clients, divine and dark energies, and messages from beyond the grave. 

Reader Views Book Review

A must-read you don’t want to miss! Get your copy of A Light Amongst the Stars by Dr. Mark Burns here!

Don Hackett, author of the book A Lesser God, also received an insightful review from IndieReader!

The patient reader will be rewarded by Don Hackett’s A LESSER GOD (Reason Else Demise), a thought-provoking and philosophical novel that is more interested in posing challenging questions than giving easy answers.

IndieReader Book Review

A fascinating narrative that will keep you turning pages. Grab your copy of A Lesser God here!

IndieReader gave another review to Keith Hamilton’s book, Desperation Island.

Keith A. Hamilton’s solidly-written DESPERATION ISLAND (21st Century Pirates in the Caribbean) is an enjoyable, if slightly simplistic, maritime thriller with plenty of drama.

IndieReader Book Review

Don’t miss out this masterpiece by Keith Hamilton. Get your copy of Desperation Island here!

Tellwell author Elaine Kozak also received an incredible review by IndieReader for her book Rhapsody in a Minor Mode.

A touching, heartfelt character study, Elaine Kozak’s RHAPSODY IN A MINOR MODE resonates with family drama, vibrant characters, and uptempo melodies.

IndieReader Book Review

A heartwarming literary gem you’ll want to get lost in. Grab your copy of  Elaine Kozak’s masterpiece here.


We are thrilled to present a retired Olympic rower and one of Tellwell’s incredible authors who recently graced the pages of the Times Colonist with his book, I Hate Bouillabaisse!

The protagonist of I Hate Bouillabaisse! is named after Vandor’s daughter, Sophie. It is about a girl whose imagination scares her before she learns how to harness it positively.

Time Colonist
with author Douglas Vandor

An entertaining must-read packed with valuable lessons for kids!
Grab your copy of I Hate Bouillabaisse! here.

Tellwell author Dewalt du Plessis was featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views for his book, Ash Moonlight.

The primary inspiration was some song lyrics I was working on years ago, and I thought to myself this could be an interesting story, and so it just went on from there.

Dewalt du Plessis Author Interview with
Reader Views

Ash Moonlight takes you to a journey that will have you flipping pages! Grab your copy here.

The author behind the book Badger and Turtle Face the Storm, Daniel McMillan, was also recently featured in an exclusive interview with Reader Views.

“Badger and Turtle Face the Storm” is about a pair of friends who learn to work together under stress. This book is meant not only for children to enjoy, but as a tool for families to better understand a common, hurtful pattern that can occur, particularly between parents.

Daniel McMillan, Author Interview with
Reader Views

Grab your copy here!

We are honoured to witness Tellwell author Parimalasri Docktor featured in CBS News Philadelphia with her book, Tortoise Goes to the Vet.

“She makes me understand how much more beautiful the world is.”

Parimalasri Docktor Author feature in
CBS News Philadelphia

Inspired in a true story with a heartwarming message. Grab your copy of Tortoise Goes to the Vet here.

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Book Giveaways

June literary delights!

Every flip of the page is a delightful treat for all our book lovers!

This month, may our book giveaways be an invitation to take you to new adventures, explore new authors, and expand your literary horizons.

And look no further for your next favourite read! Tellwell offers you a pack of fun-filled books for free.

Looking for a must-read non-fiction?

Let us take you to a transformational journey with Tania Kiaizadeh’s book The Joy of Spirit.

“Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul.” – Walt Whitman Tania

Kiaizadeh’s debut book, The Joy of Spirit: Spiritual Living to Discover Wonderful You, is a prescriptive non-fiction. These celestial teachings are carefully crafted to share the wisdom of the spiritual world, the importance of joy and how to reconnect to one’s divine self. Spiritual guides want nothing more than to connect to each and every soul on earth. They only need an invitation.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Sci-fi and fantasy reads!

If you are up to an adventurous read, check out Andrew S. M. Berger’s book The Demons Rising

A heart blackened by time, now reserved for hatred and despair. Vengeance—achievable through reaching the afterlife and gaining ultimate power—is the only way to satisfy an unquenchable thirst for justice. But, when a resurgence of hope blurs the line between retribution and madness, the blackened heart seeks to preserve what beauty is left within its grasp.
Neeksus had hopes of life, until death seemed the only path. A voice beckons him to commit a final atrocious act: he must take the lives of as many individuals as possible, as well as his own. Once in the underworld, all will be made clear.
A boy named Gabriel suits the requirements for Neeksus to attain his goal, residing in an earlier time and among space separate from the Milky Way. This boy holds a single hope: a girl dear to him, belonging to a fate worse than death.
Neeksus can save her, but only if the boy kills and collects countless souls. Many will die, who will be sacrificed in Neeksus’s quest for revenge…

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Take your passion in sports to new whole new level!

Be inspired, motivated, and empowered with every page. Signed by Coach Tim Burris brings us a book that shares football knowledge and inspiration!

It’s time to get serious and start preparing to take your football talents to the next level. But understanding the multiple recruiting pathways and signing to a postsecondary football program can be challenging. Don’t worry, though . . .
Coach Burris of IRONWILL Football will help guide you through the recruiting process.
Signed is a guide for Canadian football players in Grades 9 to 12 who aspire to play post-secondary football. Coach Burris gives you the football recruiting blueprint so you can make informed recruiting decisions for your future. With a dedicated chapter for parents, Signed breaks down everything you need to begin your journey toward the U Sports, NCAA, Junior football, CEGEP, and Junior college.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Searching for your next transformational book?

Intelligent Digital Ecosystems by Janak Alford will challenge your mind as she shares knowledge and fascinating information on technology.

The way you are using technology today is wrong. It is hurting your mental and physical health while damaging the environment and the economy. It is limiting your potential. But there is a better way. Drawing inspiration from the human microbiome, entrepreneur and tech executive Janak Alford illustrates a compelling new world of human and technological potential.
Using simple language and rich visuals, Alford offers a blueprint for how to rebuild your digital life from the ground up. By replacing your operating systems, apps, and personal devices with intelligent ecosystems, he shows how you can use this template to grow your personal agency and become a powerhouse in the digital domain.
Intelligent Digital Ecosystems is an inquiry into a universe where technology becomes a symbiotic partner capable of expanding human intelligence in new and powerful ways. Navigating the many numerous opportunities and pitfalls ahead, this generation-spanning exploration challenges our understanding of intelligence, culture, and creativity while providing a conceptual glimpse into the humans we might become tomorrow.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Searching for a fun book for your kids?

A fun, playful read with a good lesson all in one! Here’s a perfect tale for your kids: Kim MacLean’s Playtime Clothes.

The young boy’s room is an undeniable mess. Did he actually clean his room, as he is telling his mom? Or do his clothes come to life and play?! They are, after all, playtime clothes. Is he learning a lesson to tell the truth and be accountable, as we all do in life? Or is it a world of make believe? It is for you to enjoy while you decide.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Book Giveaways

Your May book treats await!

Your book adventure continues this May, as we bring you bookish delights full of information and fun-filled stories.

Discover your next favourite read in our May book giveaways!

Ready for another adventure?

Let us take your imagination to another world! Come along on another exciting journey with this book: One Polar Bear by Crystal Beach.

One Polar Bear is a delightful rhyming book filled with lovable animals from the Canadian Arctic. Polar Bear is home sick and alone. His many animal friends drop by to cheer him up. This counting story celebrates individuals with a variety of abilities and disabilities, and the text helps teach the numbers one to ten. Canada is a country made up of many peoples and cultures. This book reflects this diversity by featuring the word “welcome” in different languages amongst its pages. One Polar Bear is a wonderful bedtime story and a beautiful way to educate and celebrate the differences in our world. If you can be anything, be inclusive.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Fuel your aspirations, and take your sports passion to new heights!

Delve into chapters in a book that is more than just a guide—it’s a source of inspiration and motivation. Be inspired, informed, and empowered as you turn every page of Signed by Tim Burris.

It’s time to get serious and start preparing to take your football talents to the next level. But understanding the multiple recruiting pathways and signing to a postsecondary football program can be challenging. Don’t worry, though . . . Coach Burris of IRONWILL Football will help guide you through the recruiting process. Signed is a guide for Canadian football players in Grades 9 to 12 who aspire to play post-secondary football. Coach Burris gives you the football recruiting blueprint so you can make informed recruiting decisions for your future. With a dedicated chapter for parents, Signed breaks down everything you need to begin your journey toward the U Sports, NCAA, Junior football, CEGEP, and Junior college.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

A trip down memory lane for 2022 author success stories!

As we take a step into a new year, we wanted to take a moment and share with you last year’s author successes.

From Tellwell authors receiving awards and public recognition to hitting bestseller charts to gaining speaking opportunities and their own radio shows, 2022 was an impactful year worth celebrating.

Bestsellers and hot new releases

Dan Russell’s Pleasant Good Evening: A Memoir is a #1 New Release in General Broadcasting on Amazon!

He also hit #1 Bestseller in three categories:
#1 in Hockey
#1 in Hockey Biographies
#1 in Hockey Sport Biographies

Don’t miss this best-selling book! Grab your copy of Pleasant Good Evening: A Memoir here.

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