Tag Archives: free book giveaways

Book Giveaways

July Reading Giveaway!

Make your July even better with our Tellwell book giveaway, where each chapter takes you to enlightening narratives and incredible stories.

Your Next Favourite Read

Discover profound insights into life’s central question of control in Dr. John Neufeld’s enlightening In All Things. From work to family, community to international affairs, he illuminates God’s providence with clarity and depth.

The issue of control is a central question of life. At work, in family, community clubs and schools, with the economy or international politics, the question is, “Is anyone in charge here?” Dr. John Neufeld demonstrates the Bible teaching of God’s providence. We are assured that God’s Hand is upon everything and everyone, without exception. Dr. John explores God’s sustaining grip through the natural world and human endeavor, in pivotal matters or the seemingly trivial, the things we welcome and those we shun. He teaches the impact of God’s sovereign rule upon our hearts, minds, work, worship, homes, and nation. We can live in the confidence that God is unfolding His purpose for time and eternity.

What people are saying about Dr. John Neufeld’s teaching:

“This is such an important message for us today. Thank you, Dr. John, for your encouragement to view what is presently concerning us in the world from the perspective of God and His providence. That should take a huge weight off our shoulders!”

Click Here to get your FREE copy

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Book Giveaways

Tellwell’s February Book Giveaways

Adding an extra sprinkle of sweetness to your February with Tellwell’s book giveaways!

Packed with great stories and exciting adventures, let our literary fest be your go-to adventure this month.

Your next favourite transformational read!

Jose and Lourdes Amoloria’s book, One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World, will make you rethink how adversity, grief, and loss can cause so much pain, and yet these life challenges can facilitate creativity, and be transformed into gifts and blessings for a meaningful and productive existence.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose’s life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Up for an adventurous read?

Carleen Dehaney takes us to a fun adventure with her book, Toothbrush Animal Hunt!

Embark on a delightful adventure with Toothbrush Animal Hunt, the perfect children’s book to encourage daily toothbrushing habits in a playful and enjoyable way.

From a clapping sea lion at the beach to a cheeky squirrel in the forest, children will be fascinated as they learn about toothbrushing through the actions and antics of these charming creatures. And don’t forget to spot the toothbrushes hidden throughout the pages, making this hunt, a delightful game of discovery.

Say goodbye to toothbrushing struggles and let the adventure begin!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Book Giveaways

July’s Page-Turner Giveaway!

Are you ready to be swept away by the thrilling experience of a brand-new page-turner? If your answer is an empahtic yes, then you’re in for a treat!

This month’s book giveaway will surely keep you flipping from one page to the next.

Here’s your next favourite read!

A Thrilling Must-Read!

Unravel secrets and mysteries with Bonnie Randall’s book, The Shadow Collector: Natalya & Owen

Undercover, on skid row . . . Owen Brophy, summoned by a street psychic, is alarmed when she knows his real name—and unnerved by her obstinate question: “Who did you abandon back home?”

Home. The Okanagan Valley. Owen hasn’t been there since he was a kid. Hasn’t seen his oldest friend—a guy he once loved like a brother, a man he’s long been estranged from—in years. Yet the psychic forecasts an ominous collision: past will crash against present when his old buddy exhumes a long-concealed secret—a secret more than one person has died for.
A secret someone will kill to keep hidden.


Unannounced, at her door . . . A grisly package arrives for Natalya Nikoslav, its cryptic verse clearly written by someone who knows her history something she, abandoned as a toddler, has never been able to unearth on her own. Shaken, Natalya scours her psychic shadows to see where this package has come from. She’s shocked by what she sees: her tombstone.
Its death date waxes and wanes alongside an enigmatic spectre, a man she almost—almost!—recognizes, begging for her help. A retrocognitive, Natalya knows her psychic shadows are limited to the past . . . yet this man is unmistakably calling out from her future. And he’s frantic—they’ll both die if she doesn’t come home.
But . . . where is home? Who is he? And when she finds him will she know . . .


Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Book Giveaways

Spring into reading with our April book giveaway!

What better way to enjoy April than by diving into a world full of adventure with every page you turn? Whether you’re a fan of self-help reading or fun-filled and imaginative fiction, you’ll find something to love in our April giveaway!

Check out our book giveaways this month. You might just discover your next favourite read!

Searching for your next favourite story?

Discover the power of financial literacy and take control of your financial destiny with this insightful book: Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom by Bradford Woods.

Whether you are a seasoned stock investor looking for higher and more consistent returns, or a relative newcomer seeking to build the necessary knowledge to be successful in the stock market, Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom was written for you.

Regardless of your level of experience, the share market can be a daunting and at times perplexing forum. The challenge is to know where to start, which markets to invest in, how to select quality companies, when to buy, when to sell, how much to invest and how best to structure and manage your portfolio. Importantly, this book will teach you how to achieve optimum returns whilst minimizing risk.

If your objective is to have life choices that only financial freedom can provide, Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom will guide you through a disciplined system based predominantly on the teachings of investing gurus Ben Graham and Warren Buffett. Rich in detailed examples, this book will serve to educate and provide you a highly structured step-by-step process to research, analyze, and invest in quality companies at a discount.

If any of the above resonates with you, or you simply want to learn how to implement a disciplined investment methodology, Invest Your Way to Financial Freedom will guide you through the process.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A must-read full of thrilling escapades!

Don’t miss this must-read as Barry Fellinger takes us on an imaginative, adventurous, and fun-filled journey with his book, The Almost True Adventures of Brandon and Josh.

When Josh gets kidnapped by aliens because he refuses to eat his broccoli, he and his cousin Brandon end up having a hilarious outer-space adventure. The two eleven-year-old boys must face down the Intergalactic Council, rescue an alien who starts a flood every time she cries, fly an air sled, travel through time, and deal with a talking broccoli plant that might even eat them! Whether you like broccoli or not, you will definitely want to find out what happens, and after reading this you may even find you eat your vegetables all the time! But the fun doesn’t end there. Brandon says, “I can’t wait until our next adventure to see how we rescue our cousin Adam!” While Josh says, “I hope we don’t have to go back up there to rescue Adam. Those aliens give me the creeps!” They’ll find out in the next book, so watch for The Not So True Adventures of Brandon, Josh and Adam, coming soon!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

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Book Giveaways

Kick off summer with free books

Are you hoping to start summer with a new read? If so, then make sure to check out the June giveaways from these Tellwell authors, all of whom are offering their e-book for free thanks to BookFunnel. Seven authors are hosting giveaways, which means that you can add seven books to your digital collection for free. The books span a variety of genres, so everyone can find their perfect summer read. 

Love science fiction?

Then be sure to check out Descent into Darkness, Book 2 in the Chronicles of Deneb series by Zanne Raby.

For space-opera lovers, the crew of the Space Ark Mayflower journey into a universe plagued by human-made pandemics and all-out military warfare.

Descent into Darkness: Mayhem follows the Mayflower in the second book of the Chronicles of Deneb series. Journey along with the crew of the Space Ark Mayflower as they adapt to their new home on the planet Deneb. But along with their struggle to integrate into an alien culture, a new battle sweeps across the planet with the arrival of the human-transmitted Chimera bactovirus, bringing war and fanning the flames of racial intolerance. With a bloody conflict now raging across the planet, the crew of the Mayflower is split between the two factions and embroiled in the chaos and destruction. Descend with the crew into darkness, where the only survivors of a global war will be on the right side of the border.

Learn more and connect with Zanne Raby at zanneraby.com.

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