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Author of the Month Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Tellwell August Author of the Month: Karen Harmon

Exploring New Horizons: Karen Harmon’s Growth From Memoirs and Biographies to Fiction

With joy comes pain, and with humour comes tears. Life is hard, but it can be equally, if not more, lovely. Communication is the key, and trying to find the silver lining is a tremendous asset toward making a difference in your overall well-being.

Karen Harmon
Karen on Midday Show

Karen Harmon began her writing journey with memoirs and biographies before venturing into fiction. Her work, including the Book Excellence Award Finalist Looking for Normal, delves deeply into personal and family struggles. A sought-after guest on prominent media platforms, like CBC Daybreak with Shelley Joyce and the CFJC Midday Show with Tanya Cronin, Karen shares insights on her inspiration, the transition between genres, and advice for aspiring authors. Her experiences highlight the joy of exploring new creative paths and the importance of relatability and authenticity in writing. Stay tuned for her upcoming release, Class of ’56, a prequel to her successful novel Class of ’78.

Looking for Normal was a Book Excellence Award Finalist. Can you share what inspired you to write this memoir and how it felt to receive such recognition on such a personal story?

Karen with her books

I wrote Looking for Normal because both of my parents had passed away. My children never got to meet my father, and yet they had beautiful memories of my mother. When my son was 13, I used to tell him stories about my father riding the rails during the Depression at the age of 13. My dad’s life had been one adventure after the next, so my son kept telling me I should write a book. So I did. I was nervous and apprehensive, but I knew my parents’ story would be relatable to so many. When I received recognition in the category of Women’s Health, I was surprised and pleased. My mother struggled with mental health issues during a time when such topics were hush-hush and swept under the carpet. I know my parents would be very proud of me, and now my children have our family’s legacy.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

August Author Success Highlights

It’s another month of celebrating our incredible Tellwell authors!

Join us in recognizing their creative journeys and the stories that are making waves. Here’s to their continued success and the exciting moments ahead!


Tellwell author Vince Santoro recently won the 2024 International Impact Books Award for his historical-fiction novel, The Final Crossing: A Tale of Self-Discovery and Adventure.

Paul Smyth, author of Deliveries, has won the 2024 International Impact Book Award in the Adventure category.

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Book Giveaways

Turn the Page to August’s Book Giveaway Adventure!

This August, let us take you on an exciting literary adventure!

Dive into our book giveaway and explore new and engaging stories that will make your summer reading unforgettable!

Back to School Giveaways!

Enjoy the magic of One Little Witch by Crystal Beach, a playful tale that teaches counting and sight words. It’s a magical, inclusive story that will charm your child.

A brilliant Little Witch counts the pumpkins in her pumpkin patch and discovers some surprising surprises. Join author and illustrator Crystal Beach (One Polar Bear and Two Polar Bears) as she captivates you with her latest adventure story and a brand-new series—One Little Witch. You and your child will be delighted by this hilarious tale as together you learn counting and sight words, and experiment with sound.

A charming holiday tale for autumn, or any time of the year, One Little Witch is filled with pumpkins and childlike enthusiasm for learning. This little book is sure to enchant, and will make a spooky addition to your child’s library.
If you can be anything, be inclusive.

Click here to get your FREE copy

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Meet the Team

Behind the Pages: Meet Alfred, One of Our Book Illustrators

This August we’re excited to introduce Alfred, one of our in-house book illustrators who brings stories to life through his creative illustrations.

Get to know more about Alfred and the important role he plays in making each book unique.

What led you to become an illustrator, and how did your journey begin in the world of book illustration?

My journey as an illustrator began with a deep love for drawing and storytelling. Fascinated by how images bring stories to life, I was also inspired by watching anime, movies, and cartoons, and reading comics and manga, which led me to create my own art.

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Tellwell Author Updates

Keeping up with Tellwell Authors!

Dive into the latest buzz from our authors!

From unboxing their new books to sharing personal stories and behind-the-scenes glimpses of their writing journey, stay connected and inspired by their creative adventures!

Joseph P Camel

Joseph Camel just shared his new book, The L.A. Adventure, on Instagram! Check out his latest post to get a glimpse of this heartwarming story about Little Joe and his Chihuahua’s Hollywood adventure.

My latest book, The L.A. Adventure, is dedicated to my dogs. In this book Little Joe finds a homeless Chihuahua on the streets of Hollywood and decides to take him on his journey around L.A.

Joseph Camel
in his Instagram post

Kristyn Jewell

“POV: You get to hold your book for the first time.” Kristyn Jewell captures the magic of this moment in her latest book unboxing video on Instagram.

Now this was a special moment ✨

Kristyn Jewell
in her Instagram Post
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Author of the Month

Laughing in the Face of Adversity: Comedian and Tellwell’s July Author of the Month Daniel Stolfi’s Inspiring Memoir

Discover the healing power of humour and resilience in ‘The Comedian vs Cancer,’ a roller-coaster journey through laughter and tears

I believe humour has the ability to heal. Humour is my therapy. I could be having an awful day, but then turn on my favourite comedy show or stand-up comedy special and instantly forget about what was making my day so awful.

Daniel Stolfi

Join Daniel Stolfi on an extraordinary journey through laughter, tears, and resilience in his captivating memoir, The Comedian vs Cancer. In 2008, a shocking diagnosis of stage III acute non–Hodgkin’s T-lymphoblastic lymphoma threw his life into turmoil. Facing aggressive treatment, Daniel found solace in humour, weaving together a narrative that is both raw and uproariously funny.

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Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews

Tellwell Author Success Stories July 2024

This month, we’re excited to highlight our authors’ journeys and celebrate their successes. From the initial idea to publication and beyond, these stories showcase their dedication, hard work, and passion in creating incredible page-turners and sharing them with the world!


Tellwell author Alexandra Labrie recently launched her debut book, The Shadow of Her. Alexandra began her journey of self-discovery two years ago, turning personal milestones and past traumas into a compelling fictional narrative with the help of her therapist.

The essence of this book is to inspire readers to do the same with their own stories and to find hope amidst adversity. Based on my own experiences, I chose to share this story to bring hope to those who have encountered challenges early in their lives.

Alexandra Labrie,
in her recent Instagram Post

Celebrating another successful book launch, Tellwell author Cristina San Martin presents Married to Fiji: A Tale of Love Based on a True Story. Her journey through love, loss, and everything in between became the catalyst for rediscovering her heart and embarking on a healing journey.

This book, Married to Fiji, is dedicated to my family who lived through this journey with me. It’s also more than a memoir of a wild time of my life. It’s a testament to my resilience, dedication, and healing journey.

Cristina San Martin
in her recent Instagram Post
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Meet the Team

Behind the Scenes with Tellwell Editor Kerry Wilson

This July, we are excited to introduce Kerry Wilson, one of our editors at Tellwell Publishing. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Kerry Wilson plays an important role in refining and perfecting manuscripts, ensuring that each book reaches its full potential.

Read on to get to know Kerry and her role at Tellwell.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Kerry Wilson, and I’ve been a professional editor for about twelve years. I live in southwestern Ontario with my husband, and together we have three kids (that includes my awesome son-in-law), a dog, two cats, and multiple birds at my feeders! I was born in Toronto and grew up just north of there, so I am an avid Maple Leafs fan, and can actually say that I was alive the last time they won the cup. I think I was a week or two old!! 

I graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1990 with an honours B.A. in English and History, and from St. Francis Xavier University in 1992 with a B.Ed. that led to qualifications as an Intermediate/Senior English teacher. In 2011, I graduated with an M.Ed., again from Western University. I worked in the education field for twenty-five years as a high school English teacher, a principal, and an educational consultant. 

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Book Giveaways

July Reading Giveaway!

Make your July even better with our Tellwell book giveaway, where each chapter takes you to enlightening narratives and incredible stories.

Your Next Favourite Read

Discover profound insights into life’s central question of control in Dr. John Neufeld’s enlightening In All Things. From work to family, community to international affairs, he illuminates God’s providence with clarity and depth.

The issue of control is a central question of life. At work, in family, community clubs and schools, with the economy or international politics, the question is, “Is anyone in charge here?” Dr. John Neufeld demonstrates the Bible teaching of God’s providence. We are assured that God’s Hand is upon everything and everyone, without exception. Dr. John explores God’s sustaining grip through the natural world and human endeavor, in pivotal matters or the seemingly trivial, the things we welcome and those we shun. He teaches the impact of God’s sovereign rule upon our hearts, minds, work, worship, homes, and nation. We can live in the confidence that God is unfolding His purpose for time and eternity.

What people are saying about Dr. John Neufeld’s teaching:

“This is such an important message for us today. Thank you, Dr. John, for your encouragement to view what is presently concerning us in the world from the perspective of God and His providence. That should take a huge weight off our shoulders!”

Click Here to get your FREE copy

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Tellwell Books

Happy 4th of July! Tellwell Booklist

Honouring another year of Independence!

We’re celebrating dreaming big and achieving big goals. Discover books on this theme from our American authors and enjoy a day of great reads.✨

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