Category : Tellwell Books

Tellwell Books

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Check out these three Tellwell books stocked in Canadian bookstores.


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Tellwell Books

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Take a look at three of our new releases – a travel memoir, a sexy thriller, and a self-help book about the power of procrastination.

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Tellwell Books

WWII veteran writes memoir so his story will be remembered

Each year there are fewer and fewer Second World War veterans, and as they pass away, a lot of their war stories atyphoon-fighter-pilotre lost with them.

But WWII Canadian fighter pilot, Jack Henry Hilton, put his memories in a book so they won’t be forgotten.

Tellwell published his memoir The Saga of a Canadian Typhoon Fighter Pilot in 2015.

The 97-year-old writes about his time behind the stick destroying enemy tanks, trains and bridges. He survived four crashes in his Hawker Typhoon fighter plane and flew 100 missions over Europe, including on D-Day.

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