Cheers to Tellwell authors’ November success stories!

We’re always excited to celebrate our incredible authors and highlight their glorious achievements.
This November is another incredible month for quite a few Tellwell authors. Make sure to read through and experience recent author celebrations including award wins, media mentions, events, and incredible reviews!
Starting strong is Author Al Rosen. We are proud to share that his book, Avoiding Swindlers, received an excellent review from Reader Views.
Taking a complex topic and simplifying it for the average reader is no easy task, but the author has used his decades of experience as an investigative accountant to boil down a series of examples, wording it in a way that captures the urgency in layman’s terms.
Detailing how companies are getting away with misleading financials and, at times venturing beyond audited statements to real estate “get rich quick” scams, this book educates investors on what they need to look for in each to avoid getting swindled.
Reader Views
If you’re looking for your next go-to read, make sure to grab your copy of Avoiding Swindlers here.
Author Paul G. Swingle, was recently featured by New Broadway World for his book Silhouette.
An evocative story about isolation in the city. The characters are driven by sadness and a longing to connect. Will they? Make sure to check out Silhouette here!

Author of Pleasant Good Evening, Dan Russell, recently received an incredible 4+ review from IndieReader and took part in their “All About the Book + Author” interview feature.
Pleasant Good Evening documents my trailblazing career as creator and solo host of Canada’s longest running sports talk radio show – virtually the first of its kind in Canada. Sportstalk was appointment-listening for tens of thousands of BC sports fans during its three decades on the air. However, in many ways its also a “chasing the dream” story, documenting my relentless attempt to fulfill a childhood dream to become an NHL play-by-play broadcaster. I’ll let readers of the book judge if my chase was a success or a failure.
Author Dan Russell
Make sure to check out Pleasant Good Evening here!

It’s another great month for Tellwell author, Glenn Booth. He recently took part on a podcast interview with CBC for his book Them Days.
Joined by Keisha Paul, Glenn Booth talks about his new novel, Them Days. A story based on the experiences of his grandmother growing up in Gimli in the early 1900’s in a Ukrainian immigrant family.
Make sure to check out and grab your copy of Them Days here!

We are ecstatic to share that author of Eli Finds His Zen, Ginette Valiquette, was recently featured on a local paper, The North Shore Sentinel.
Her Facebook group also reached 310 members. Congratulations!
Then, years later, an idea came to her in a dream and she wrote the idea down after she woke up. That was August last year and not long after, she decided to take a leap of faith and see where it went.
The North Shore Sentinel
Make sure to check out and grab your copy of Eli Finds His Zen here!

Celebrating another author success is Yvonne Van Lankveld, for her book The Park Street Secrets.
One of Tellwell’s talents, Yvonne Van Lankveld, was recently featured on Broadway World Toronto this November!
This new story adds even more mystique to the iconic architectural attraction. After being redeveloped into condominiums, several new tenants begin to call Park Street home. Some have ties to the location’s cultural heritage, while others move in to take refuge and hide their secrets.
Broadway World Toronto
Read through the article to find out more about Yvonne and her book, The Park Street Secrets.