Author Success - In the media, awards, reviews Uncategorized

Celebrating award-winning authors, rave reviews and publicity!

Congratulations to each of our authors for their terrific accomplishments! 

D. Robert Hardy

Raven’s Apprentice

D. Robert Hardy, author of Raven’s Apprentice,  is an Award Winning Finalist for The Best Book Award 2020 in the New-Age Nonfiction Category.

Angie Patterson

Making Photography Easy and Fun : Ten Top Tips to Bring out the Photographer in You

Angie Patterson received a 5/5 star review from IndieReader for her new book, Making Photography Easy and Fun.

MAKING PHOTOGRAPHY EASY AND FUN delivers on its premise, providing expert advice and interesting exercises that will delight burgeoning photographers.” – Lisa Butts for  IndieReader

Read the full review here.

Peter Greene

Tales From The Hills

Peter Greene’s Tales from the Hills ranked as a Finalist for The Best Book Award 

2020 in the Multicultural Non-Fiction Category.

Mohammed A. Halim

Problems of the Muhammadans: A Wake-Up Call

Problems of the Muhammadans by Mohammed A. Halim received a 4 Star IndieReader Review. 

“Author Mohammed A. Halim constructs a brilliant case for greater understanding of the ancient knowledge offered by Muhammad in the Koran in PROBLEMS OF THE MUHAMMADANS: A Wake-Up Call.” – C.S. Holmes for IndieReader

Read the full review here.

Kathleen Boucher

Nine Ways to Empower Tweens #LifeSkills

Kathleen Boucher’s Nine Ways to Empower Tweens was featured in The Bookbag Top Ten Self-Published Books of 2020.

Check it out!

Michael Contento

The Bottom Line : What You Need For Success In Business, Leadership And Life

Michael Contento, author of The Bottom Line was interviewed by Global News Morning about what it takes to be successful in business, leadership and life. 

Watch the interview here.

David Giffen

 Redemptive Trauma: Confessions of a Defrocked Priest.

David Giffen received 4.5 stars from IndieReader for his book, Redemptive Trauma: Confessions of a Defrocked Priest.

“Told from the point of view of a passionate soul with a frank yet addictive personality and a wounded past, REDEMPTIVE TRAUMA: Confessions of a Defrocked Priest by David Giffen shines.” – C.S. Holmies for IndieReader

Read the full review here

Kathryn Recourt

Sir Archibald Droolsalot – Big Dog Drools

Kathryn Recourt was featured in Niagra Now to discuss her new children’s book, Sir Archibald Droolsalot

“Recourt says her young grandchildren, Grayson and Rachel, wanted to know why Archie drooled so much.

“I thought, ‘There’s got to be a good reason that we can come up with. And they can be quite relentless, so I had better give them a good answer,’ ” she says.

She loved reading to her own children, Daniel and Victoria, when they were young. She says she would often make up stories for them and she has continued that tradition with her grandchildren.

So, she started telling her grandchildren stories about about Archie, how he became a knight and how he drooled – a lot.”

Read the full interview here.

Laura Throne

Forgiveness: Your Key to Harmony and Inner Peace

Laura Throne’s Forgiveness: Your Key to Harmony and Inner Peace received 4.5 stars from IndieReader.

“FORGIVENESS is a refreshingly candid and engrossing memoir with a self-help angle that will resonate especially with readers who have struggled with unhealthy romantic relationships.” – Lisa Butts for IndieReader

Read the review here

Monique Gliozzi

Diversity : A Colourful Collection of Short Stories

Monique Gliozzie received a great review for her new book, Diversity, from book blogger Hey It’s Carly-Rae. Take a look!

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