Tips & Tricks

Five New Year’s Resolutions for Writers

1. Write every day

A study conducted by University College London claims that there is no definitive amount of days required for a habit to stick; it varies depending on the activity. However, most habits will become a part of your daily routine after several weeks. Once you have your flow going, it is easy to produce dozens of pages in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, the hardest part is getting started. Depending on your writing objective, your quota can be something like a blog post, diary entry, or a page towards your novel. What you write does not have to be Shakespearean quality. In fact, this resolution focuses more on the process of writing by encouraging you to incorporate this activity into your everyday routine. Here are a few tips to help you achieve this goal:

  • Schedule in time – Commit time in your agenda that is strictly dedicated to freewriting
  • Start small – Spend 10 minutes per day on writing for the first week but gradually add more time as this becomes a regular activity
  • Create projects – It might be difficult to write something if there is no purpose for the work. Write for a reason. Submit your pieces to a writing contest, start a blog, or send reviews to a media publication.


2. Read every day

Reading is just as important as writing when you are trying to perfect your craft. Similar to the tips mentioned in resolution one (see above), you are going to need to dedicate a bit of time out of your day to reading. Most people will choose to read for 15 minutes before hitting the hay to calm themselves before bed. Reading on a regular basis can help make you a better writer, since it will expose you to new words, writing styles, and perspectives. Additionally, reading makes you more intelligent, empathetic, and relaxed.

3. Start a blog

When you are new to the world of writing, it can be difficult to develop your voice and brand. Starting a blog can help you figure out what kind of writer you want to be. Although this will require a bit of effort and time on your end, the benefits are worth it. WordPress and Blogger may be your two best options to get your foot in the door when it comes to blogging. The user-friendly websites also allow you to easily discover blogs that you may be interested in following. WordPress currently has over 76.5 million blogs (and counting) and there is a reason why more and more people are joining the blogging site. Here are a few tips help you direct more traffic to your site:

  • Tell your friends – Although it might suck to have your mom being the only one commenting on your posts, it’s better than having no one. A small audience of dedicated fans will encourage new readers to give your blog a chance.
  • Interact with other blogs – You aren’t the only one on this site. Check out other blogs similar to yours and comment on their work. Not only will this allow readers to check out your content, but you may also make an Internet friend as well!
  • Post regularly – Regular bloggers are the ones that tend to grow at a faster rate. Make a schedule for yourself to ensure that you stay on top of the blogging game.
  • Pay for traffic – If you really want traffic to come your way then you might have to bring out the wallet. You don’t have to purchase for traffic for all of your posts, but it might be a good idea to send visitors your way when you are in dire need of public opinion on one particular topic. Learn more, here.

For more tips on directing traffic to your blog, check out WordPress’ article here.


4. Get published

Some people are hesitant to call themselves a writer until they see their byline published in the media.  Although it is not necessary to get your name out there, there is a sense of validation when readers post positive comments on your work.  If you are looking to get published online, there are several websites that allow you to post your own work. Sites like Buzzfeed Community, Thought Catalogue’s Collective World, and Medium allow writers to share their own thoughts and pieces to millions of potential readers. Unlike blogging, the posts on these sites don’t necessarily need to focus on your brand. Contributors can write listicles, quizzes, open-letters, tips and tricks, or relatable anecdotes. The possibilities are endless. If you are more interested in the book world, you may consider getting a novel published. Here at Tellwell, we offer several different services and packages that will help make your dream book become a reality.


5. Try a new genre

With so many different genres out there, some writers want to dabble in a little bit of everything rather than pigeonhole themselves into just one specific genre. But before you make that transition from young adult fiction to R-rated erotica, you are going to need to do your homework. Here are some tricks to help make that shift a little easier:

  • Research – Each genre does things a little differently than the next. Story arcs, characters, and language vary from genre to genre. Your author brand and marketing platform will likely transition too. Familiarize yourself with the new theme and its audience before you jump into the writing process.
  • Seek feedback – There is nothing wrong with asking for a little help. If you are unsure whether you are making any progress, ask. If you happen to know someone who specializes in the genre that you are pursuing, get their thoughts on your work. If a professional isn’t available, then ask a friend who happens to enjoy reading that genre. It’s always good to get a second opinion.
  • Prepare for the worst – As discouraging as it may sound, some of your fans may not be a fan of your new voice. Not everyone likes change. On the bright side, writing in a new genre will open the doors to a whole lot of new readers.


With 2018 just around the corner, it’s time to jump into a new challenge that will enhance your writing skills and increase your following. By 2019, we hope that your surge of supporters will present you with new opportunities towards your success as a published author.


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