Tag Archives: celebrating black authors

Tellwell News

Celebrating Black Authors for Black History Month 2024!

It’s Black History Month, and we’re diving into a celebration mode! 🎉

Join us in honoring these Tellwell authors who have breathed life into stories to be read, cherished and shared.

Monica Buchanan

Monica Buchanan, author of the book Outsider has a PhD in psychology, as well as a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies. She continues to be enthusiastic and committed to development of strength-based community resources for adults and youths from marginalized and under-served communities, thus she remains an active volunteer.

The book Outsider is for anyone who grew up in a toxic, abusive, and unhealthy home environment where they felt like they did not belong within the family unit. It is also a book about making changes, forgiveness, and letting go.

André Wade

AndrĂ© Wade has always been a big dreamer. Humble beginnings surrounded with love, advice, and instruction—the customer service he was used to growing up. The information gathered and the stories shared will be found in AndrĂ©’s newest book: AndrĂ©’s Customer Service Soapbox: And the Work-Life Balance We Need, with guide and inspiration on what customer service can be when we put our best foot forward, and the aftermath of when we don’t. AndrĂ© Wade penned the books Shoestring Dreams and AndrĂ©’s Customer Service Soapbox.

No one dream is greater than the other, and in this first part series of three, you enter in the lives of these four students in this coming-to-age book series, Shoestring Dreams. AndrĂ©’s Customer Service Soapbox provides the readers with a different perspective on what customer service is, and how it’s applied to our work and personal life.

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Author of the Month Tellwell Books

Chelee Cromwell: Pioneering Sci-Fi Romance With Heart and Vision

From Nova Scotia to the World Stage, Explore the Inspirations and Dreams Behind NEWBIA, the Debut Novel That’s Captivated Readers Worldwide.

Life is meant to be explored and enjoyed while loving each other, showing and giving respect, acceptance, and understanding while embracing the many gifts and talents placed upon each of us. – Chelee Cromwell

Chelee Cromwell, an author from Nova Scotia, has made waves with her unique blend of science fiction and romance. Chelee is recognized as the first Black woman in Nova Scotia to publish a combination science fiction, fantasy, and romance series. Born and raised in Lake Loon and Weymouth Falls, her roots deeply influence her storytelling.

Her debut novel, NEWBIA, gained international attention, resonating with readers from countries across the globe, including Norway, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Bahamas. Chelee’s inspiration for NEWBIA stemmed from a dream that came to her night after night, and it followed a coherent storyline.

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