New month, new book giveaways! From captivating historical romances and insightful non-fiction to empowering self-help reads, there’s something for everyone this November.
Don’t miss your chance to get these incredible reads!
Ready to be swept into a love story that transcends time?
Smelling Daisies by Elysia and Mark Stevens follows Daisy, a modern soldier, as she’s transported to medieval Scotland, where love, danger, and survival tests await. Can she conquer the lioness within?

Daisy was raised by a military father who ensured his daughter knew survival skills and how to protect herself. Following in her beloved father’s footsteps, Daisy joined the army and met Justin. Eventually, Daisy’s dreams would come true. While on a decompression stop after a deployment overseas, she finds herself at the Lachlan Castle in Scotland. There, she is thrown back in time to the era she loves to read about, but things are nothing like she imagined.
When Daisy befriends a bonnie Scottish lass, she finds herself in a haven under the roof of the girl’s brother, a laird named Alick. It becomes clear that the laird is constantly challenged by the many nuances of Daisy’s status as a modern-day female soldier as she attempts to navigate the dangerous life in medieval Scotland. While trying her best to fit in, Daisy stumbles upon a psychotic baron named Thomas, who loves to torture women and is fascinated with her.
Both Laird Alick and Baron Thomas want to tame the lioness in Daisy but for different reasons. But Daisy is ill-prepared for medieval love or warfare and must train her heart and head to face what’s coming next.
Click here to get your FREE copy
Ready to ignite your purpose and passion?
Curveballs by Gail Taylor inspires self-discovery and living with purpose, blending personal stories, technology, and music to transform lives.

Click here to get your FREE copy
In search of your next thought-provoking read?
Child Protection: Behind Closed Doors by Jo Cooling exposes the hidden struggles within child protection, from bullying to systemic failures. A powerful, eye-opening read that reveals the truth behind the scenes.

If you think you know what Child Protection is all about, think again. This is a behind-the-scenes look at what really happens when the public is not watching or listening.
This novel will highlight the difficulties and sometimes dangers workers face. Furthermore, it will shine a spotlight on the bullying that has been prominent within Child Protection for a long time and on Management, which has chosen to ignore it.
My story will also call attention to drug use within Child Protection. As well as Management’s lack of support for workers and why the same people who helped me advance my career were the same people who tried to take me down.
This book also looks at the good, the bad, and the downright bizarre cases I have worked on during my career as a Senior Child Protection Worker.
If you have been a client or are interested in a career in Child Protection, or just want a book you cannot put down, then this novel is for you.
Click here to get your FREE copy
Seeking your next page-turner?
The Art to Online Dating by Fleur Lamot offers a practical guide to navigating online dating with confidence, helping women understand motives, avoid mistakes, and find love.

This book is not about making you a better person, nor is it a self help book. It is about changing your mindset when embarking on singledom and internet dating to not fear it, by equipping you with the understanding of people’s actions and motives.
Throughout the book you will be guided in setting up your online profile, picking your match, the all important art and the do’s and don’ts through every step of courting someone, all the way to going forward with your ultimate love match!
Reading this book will bring you confidence and or at least clarity. It will make you think about your past experiences and open your eyes to see where they may have gone wrong, and more importantly to ensure the same mistakes don’t happen to you on future experiences.
Click here to get your FREE copy