Tag Archives: free books

Book Giveaways

July Reading Giveaway!

Make your July even better with our Tellwell book giveaway, where each chapter takes you to enlightening narratives and incredible stories.

Your Next Favourite Read

Discover profound insights into life’s central question of control in Dr. John Neufeld’s enlightening In All Things. From work to family, community to international affairs, he illuminates God’s providence with clarity and depth.

The issue of control is a central question of life. At work, in family, community clubs and schools, with the economy or international politics, the question is, “Is anyone in charge here?” Dr. John Neufeld demonstrates the Bible teaching of God’s providence. We are assured that God’s Hand is upon everything and everyone, without exception. Dr. John explores God’s sustaining grip through the natural world and human endeavor, in pivotal matters or the seemingly trivial, the things we welcome and those we shun. He teaches the impact of God’s sovereign rule upon our hearts, minds, work, worship, homes, and nation. We can live in the confidence that God is unfolding His purpose for time and eternity.

What people are saying about Dr. John Neufeld’s teaching:

“This is such an important message for us today. Thank you, Dr. John, for your encouragement to view what is presently concerning us in the world from the perspective of God and His providence. That should take a huge weight off our shoulders!”

Click Here to get your FREE copy

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Book Giveaways

Turn the Pages with Tellwell’s April Book Giveaways

Delve into an enlightening and transformative literary journey that promises to captivate your imagination and enrich your soul.

Enjoy a month of reading with our book giveaway!

Your Next Favourite Transformational Read

Jose and Lourdes Amoloria’s book, One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World, is about the impact of adversity, grief, and loss, and explores how these struggles, while painful, can also inspire creativity and personal growth, ultimately leading to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose’s life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

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Book Giveaways

March’s Treasure Trove of Book Giveaways

Enjoy the spring season with our Tellwell book giveaways!

Let the pages of these fun-filled tales take you on new adventures, where excitement and wonder await on every page.

Your Next Favourite Bedtime Story!

Crystal Beach takes us on a fun adventure with her book, Two Polar Bears!

What could possibly be better than One Polar Bear? Two Polar Bears! Join this charming polar bear couple as they try to have a peaceful soak in the tub only to be interrupted by four very dirty cubs! This delightful rhyming story chronicles a lovable polar bear family as they go through their nightly bedtime routine. Celebrating individuals with a variety of abilities and disabilities, readers are introduced to early learning skills such as bedtime routines and grooming. With fun and humour, this book also helps children establish healthy sleep habits. Two Polar Bears is an entertaining story and a beautiful addition to your child’s own bedtime routine.

If you can be anything, be inclusive.

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Book Giveaways

Tellwell’s February Book Giveaways

Adding an extra sprinkle of sweetness to your February with Tellwell’s book giveaways!

Packed with great stories and exciting adventures, let our literary fest be your go-to adventure this month.

Your next favourite transformational read!

Jose and Lourdes Amoloria’s book, One of the Most Expensive, Iconic and Kinetic Maps of Australia in the World, will make you rethink how adversity, grief, and loss can cause so much pain, and yet these life challenges can facilitate creativity, and be transformed into gifts and blessings for a meaningful and productive existence.

Dream without fear. When dreams are nourished with faith and actions, dreams bloom into realities.

Jose, a self-taught artist, had no formal training in art, no scholastic qualifications and had very challenging life experiences as an international sailor, chef, watchmaker and stone mason. How can one be multi-skilled and pass international standards without proper educational training?

Get inspired by faith and determination that changed the course of life, and be entertained by the unconventional ways Jose educated and equipped himself with skills to achieve dreams and goals. The one-of-a-kind masterpieces in this book and Jose’s life are testimonials that creativity can really transform lives. Miracles do happen, and anyone can manifest miracles if they sincerely believe in themselves and in the intervention of the unseen power of the Supreme Creator.

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Up for an adventurous read?

Carleen Dehaney takes us to a fun adventure with her book, Toothbrush Animal Hunt!

Embark on a delightful adventure with Toothbrush Animal Hunt, the perfect children’s book to encourage daily toothbrushing habits in a playful and enjoyable way.

From a clapping sea lion at the beach to a cheeky squirrel in the forest, children will be fascinated as they learn about toothbrushing through the actions and antics of these charming creatures. And don’t forget to spot the toothbrushes hidden throughout the pages, making this hunt, a delightful game of discovery.

Say goodbye to toothbrushing struggles and let the adventure begin!

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Book Giveaways

New Year Book Treats!

Celebrate the start of the new year with some exciting new reads!

Kick off your 2024 reading list by taking a peek at our January book giveaway—because there’s nothing better than beginning the year with a fresh collection of great books!

Searching for your next favourite poetry book?

Dive into the profound world of emotions and wisdom with Paul Guerin’s Poetry from My Heart: A Journey Through Feelings.

Poetry: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience, in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm.

Poetry means different things to different people. For me, it is all about feelings. If it captures the emotions of the reader, a poem will resonate and fill the soul. It can mean everything to one person and not much at all to another. The mood of the reader and no-one else determines the outcome.

For example, love poems are wonderful when you are in love and their passion is amazing. If you are facing adversity, however, love poems likely will just annoy or even anger you.

In “Poetry from my Heart”, I have attempted to divide the poems into categories which will fit your mood no matter what you are experiencing at the time you choose to explore them. There should be something for everyone, no matter whether you are in love, out of love, you hurt, you are lonely, angry, abandoned, or you are facing other challenges in your life.

Poetry has a healing power that nurtures the soul and quietens the mind, and so I hope that whatever your situation is in life, you will find something here that helps you safely on your journey.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Up for a thrilling read?

Keith Hamilton’s mastery of storytelling will keep you hooked from start to finish with his book, Desperation Island.

From the author of Nine Bear Lodge comes another novel. Modern-day pirates build a fleet and a crew, and terrorize small boat operators throughout the central Caribbean islands. When they come to the notice of national law enforcement teams, they face the wrath of modern technology as well as facing the revenge of one of their victims, a Russian mafia gang.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Non-Fiction Reads!

An insightful book on private self-care: Mallory Erler’s Vageen Queen.

Ever thought of going bare down there? Looking for a little landscaping, or are you a waxing warrior?

Whatever your pre-fur-ance, this hilarious “how to” is full of tips, tricks, what you should know ahead of time and some great treatment-room stories to get you prepped and ready for your first plume plucking!

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Book Giveaways

Literary Holiday Cheer With Our December Book Giveaway

Check out our year-end book giveaway, an enlightening and entertaining non-fiction read.

Don’t miss out on our giveaway, which offers a blend of educational and engaging content for your year-end reading experience.

Non-Fiction Reads!

An insightful book on private self-care: Mallory Erler’s Vageen Queen.

Ever thought of going bare down there? Looking for a little landscaping, or are you a waxing warrior?

Whatever your pre-fur-ance, this hilarious “how to” is full of tips, tricks, what you should know ahead of time and some great treatment-room stories to get you prepped and ready for your first plume plucking!

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Book Giveaways

November page-turners await!

Step into November’s adventure, where we bring you on extraordinary journeys through the pages of captivating stories. We bring you tales full of thrilling adventures, insightful narratives, tender romances, and simply a fun read!

Let us transport you to another world while stirring emotions and sparking imaginations with our November page-turners!

Your next favourite book awaits!

Enjoy a good read through the pages of André Wade’s Shoestring Dreams

Aren’t dreams meant to be pursued? Are dreams worth the pain and dedication it takes? The ups and downs of life, for your dream. Eric and his friends, Jeremy, Jacqueline, and Angelo, all have dreams they are seeking. Basketball, acting and modeling, comedy, finding who you are as a person, being free! No one dream is greater than the other, and in this first part series of three, you enter in the lives of these four students in this coming-to-age book series, Shoestring Dreams.

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Discover must-read page-turner fiction!

Indulge in the compelling narratives penned by Don Hackett in A Lesser God.

As a young man, Dion Athamas was spiritually summoned to rapture then tenured god status. He had been endowed with all the benedictions to achieve sacredness: a devout flock, the power to heal and a covet for control. He also held a deep desire and ability to influence justice and universal liberty. The setting: the fictional town of Forgedmont, Mississippi, in the 1950s. Against great opposition he strived to become a new-age god; the earth was his oracle. He found faith-based conviction to be lacking in reason and truth. He chose to maintain an instinctive path to holiness. Regrettably for him and his followers, there were a great many roadblocks. He was forced to face off against the church, community, prejudice, family and scheming dreams influenced by fallacious spirits, all set forth to hamper his ascension to divinity.

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Up for a thrilling read?

Embark on a suspenseful story with John MacGougan’s The Tequila Promise.

ETHAN PICKETT’S battered pickup truck is found in the valley of the Bluewater Ski Club, a four hundred foot drop, his broken and bloodied body trapped inside.
Ethan is a local hero, a retired rodeo cowboy, and self-made billionaire businessman. His death is big news. When Charlie Beach hears the news, he’s devastated. As a private investigator, he’s had experience with death, but not with the death of someone as close to him as Ethan Pickett.
On the night of the funeral, Charlie and Cedar, Ethan’s daughter, and Charlie’s best and closest friend since JK, are sharing a few beers and trading stories. At one point, Cedar makes a casual comment about the irony of her father’s accident, running his truck off a dark and deserted country road he had been driving his entire life. Charlie didn’t understand the concept of irony, but what he did understand was the bad feeling washing over him.
The OPP’s top investigators ruled it an accident, but what if they missed something? What if it wasn’t an accident? What if the accident was staged to cover up a murder? With no evidence, no suspects, and no motive, Charlie wouldn’t go hard at it, but he figured there was no harm in talking to a few people, asking some questions, see if anything popped.
Charlie would be happy if it turned out to be nothing. But, if it turned out to be something, then he’d make it his life’s mission to track down the killer, and send his ass to prison.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A fun and educational read!

Make the exploration of geography and history an enjoyable experience with Marena Woodsit’s Canada’s Kiddie Geography and History in ABC’s…

Who said geography and history can’t be fun? Marena Woodsit’s new book, Canada’s Kiddie History and Geography in ABC’s, points out various interesting facts and places in an easy-to-read style (H for history, G for geography) that will captivate children of all ages. A map and legend of the great country of Canada can help pinpoint where much of the facts take place along with fun and real life characters.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

A heartwarming romance novel awaits!

Rhonda Lee will sweep you off your feet in every page of her novel, Effie.

Effie is the heartwarming story of how a young couple, killed in a pickup truck accident in the spring of 1959, fulfill their dream of getting married in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee some forty years after their deaths, by helping a young widower and father find true love a second time in life, and a new mother for four-year old Effie.

Witness the incredible power of love, the undeniable force of destiny, and the enduring spirit of those who have passed before us. Get ready to be moved, inspired, and reminded of the beauty that can be found, even in the face of tragedy.

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Book Giveaways

August tales and treasures!

Yes, it’s that time again: another month of adventure and enchantment!

Take this invitation to embark on yet another extraordinary escapade through the realms of imagination, emotions, and experiences penned by talented Tellwell authors.

Let the pages turn and the stories unfold with August book giveaways!

Become inspired, become you.

Embark on an inspiring journey with Lorenzo Louden’s book, A Soldier’s Redemption.

A Soldier’s Redemption is a true, candid, no-holds-barred story of infamous former gangster disciple Lorenzo Louden, a.k.a. “Shorty G.”
His story immerses you in the notorious world of gangs, taking you on a bone-chilling ride through the streets of 1970s Chicago. While serving 17 years behind bars, his militant rule of the underworld expanded from the streets to the prisons until a spiritual encounter directed his journey out of the darkness onto a miraculous path of purpose and possibility.

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A Journey through poetic lines

Delve into the pages of Marina Quindiagan’s poems of love in her book, My Thoughts Are Coloured Purple.

This is a book of poems on love. Love is a universal language. Love yourself, love your neighbours, love your parents, love your siblings—even love your enemies. Most of the poems are on romantic love. When you are in love, you get an awesome feeling. You walk on the clouds. However, love can be unrequited, unanswered and can bring an awful feeling.
Love is in the movies, in songs, and in music. Love is in this book of poems, ever so strong and powerful. It’s there for you to enjoy.

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Book Giveaways

Your May book treats await!

Your book adventure continues this May, as we bring you bookish delights full of information and fun-filled stories.

Discover your next favourite read in our May book giveaways!

Ready for another adventure?

Let us take your imagination to another world! Come along on another exciting journey with this book: One Polar Bear by Crystal Beach.

One Polar Bear is a delightful rhyming book filled with lovable animals from the Canadian Arctic. Polar Bear is home sick and alone. His many animal friends drop by to cheer him up. This counting story celebrates individuals with a variety of abilities and disabilities, and the text helps teach the numbers one to ten. Canada is a country made up of many peoples and cultures. This book reflects this diversity by featuring the word “welcome” in different languages amongst its pages. One Polar Bear is a wonderful bedtime story and a beautiful way to educate and celebrate the differences in our world. If you can be anything, be inclusive.

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Fuel your aspirations, and take your sports passion to new heights!

Delve into chapters in a book that is more than just a guide—it’s a source of inspiration and motivation. Be inspired, informed, and empowered as you turn every page of Signed by Tim Burris.

It’s time to get serious and start preparing to take your football talents to the next level. But understanding the multiple recruiting pathways and signing to a postsecondary football program can be challenging. Don’t worry, though . . . Coach Burris of IRONWILL Football will help guide you through the recruiting process. Signed is a guide for Canadian football players in Grades 9 to 12 who aspire to play post-secondary football. Coach Burris gives you the football recruiting blueprint so you can make informed recruiting decisions for your future. With a dedicated chapter for parents, Signed breaks down everything you need to begin your journey toward the U Sports, NCAA, Junior football, CEGEP, and Junior college.

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Book Giveaways

Find your next page-turner with our February book giveaway!

Get ready to escape reality and embark on a journey beyond the pages. Let the books you read transport you to different worlds filled with adventure, fantasy, fun, and magic. So if you want to immerse yourself in the power of imagination and discover the beauty of storytelling, we got you!

 Now, curl up with a good book and let the magic begin with these amazing reads from our Tellwell authors offering their books for free for you to enjoy! 

Searching for your next great story or activity to share with the kids?

Get ready for a wild ride filled with magic, adventure, and fun with this mesmerizing children’s book from our February book promo, My Magical Gnome Story Book by Monika Anna Blichar.

Magic is everywhere. You just have to believe. Follow Edy on his magical adventures into the human world while he tries to save the last Golden Believer left on earth. A magical adventure for young and old alike!

Click HERE to get your FREE copy

Sci-Fi/fantasy giveaway

Step into a world of magic and adventure with these must-read fantasy fiction books! Start your journey today and discover the magic for yourself with the book The Secret of Alviton from L. V. Clark!

Alviton was a strong, prospering country full of light. The people worked side by side with the Fae, creatures blessed with magic. But that was before the war. Massive genocide and fear of the Fae touched everyone, as brother turned against brother. Years later, and still reeling from the war, the new generation has clawed and connived to remove the stains left by their predecessors. Sheltered from this reality, Nydia lives her life relatively happy and ignorant, surrounded by smoke and mirrors. But eventually glass shatters and smoke settles. As she struggles to unveil the truth about herself and the people around her, danger lies on the horizon, threatening to extinguish the small flicker of light in this dark and twisted country.

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Up for your next favourite transformational journey?

Ready to take on another incredible transformational journey with this incredible self-help book? Here’s to personal growth, transformation, and becoming the best version of ourselves with Azim Jamal’s book Spark: Journey from Success to Significance.

In a world vigorously chasing classic ideals of success, find your spark and become significant. Your journey starts here. Meet Steve, a hotshot lawyer fighting to climb the corporate ladder in this inspiring fable. His life transforms seemingly overnight as he is sent to India for a task he considers pointless. But things quickly fall apart. Steve, forced to reconsider his path, realizes that the curveball life has thrown at him is an opportunity to find his true purpose. This spiritual odyssey is about to transform him beyond his wildest dreams. A powerful lesson follows each chapter, making up the SPARK that transforms Steve’s life: Selflessness, Purpose, Attraction, Resilience and Knowing. This SPARK is hidden within you too. It may be dormant now, but awakening to it will catapult you from the “Present You” to the “Best You.” It’s time to light up your SPARK today.

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