Tellwell News

Tellwell Publishing Announces Indigenous Voices Grant in Honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Since our inception, it has always been a prevalent part of our mission to help cultivate a vibrant culture through the telling of powerful stories. To align with this mission, we are launching a new program called the Indigenous Voices Grant, earmarking $10,000 in in-kind book publishing services to amplify the voices of Indigenous Canadians. 

The grant supports Tellwell’s commitment to contributing to the understanding of Indigenous communities, histories, and perspectives in Canada.

The guidelines for the Indigenous Voices Grant will be established in the coming months with the funding allocated and first book projects selected in 2024. The grant may support one or more book projects depending on the submissions received and their budgetary needs.

Stay tuned for additional information pertaining to eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and our official launch of this grant!

Learn more about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

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